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3rd person pov.

Okami looked absolutely horrified at the thought of having a baby brother. She slowly took a few steps back, slightly struggling to breathe. "Okami, are you alright?" Terra asked, looking back at the young girl with worry. Okami tried to fight her tears that began to form. She swallowed hard, "F-forgive me, my lady, but-but I can't. I have to go, I'm s-so sorry!!" Okami said, then she suddenly ran away. "OKAMI!!" Terra yelled as she watched the fleeing figure of Okami disappear.

Okami ran and ran, not really knowing where she was going. She didn't notice Kakashi trying to ask her what was wrong, nor did she notice the odd looks of the sand siblings. "What happened to her?" Kankuro asked. "Who knows. I never took her for the sappy type." Temari added. "Well, whatever happened must've been real tough if it made her like that." Kankuro finished as he and his sister began to walk.

Gaara, on the other hand, still stood there, looking where Okami's figure was. He never once would have thought that she would just take off running while crying. So he decided to follow her.

At Naomi's training.
Naomi's pov.

All of a sudden, sensei stopped telling me to focus. She had a rather strange look on her face. "Um, uh, t-trainings done for know." Sensei said out of the blue. "Huh, but sensei, you said that..." "I  know, but I have to go know. I'll see you later." Sensei interrupted me just before she ran off, leaving me still standing on the boulder.

To Kaden's training.
Kaden's pov.

"Sensei, am I doing it right?" I asked only to see her looking pale. "Sensei, are you okay?" She backed up a bit, then took in a big breath. "Trainings over." Was all she said before she ran off.

To Koda's training.
Koda's pov.

Sensei said that she had to go out of nowhere. She took off before I could ask her what the reason was.

3rd person pov.

And the same with all the others. Every single one of Okami's clones turned to water, while the real one ran and ran and finally stopped at a place she hadn't gone to in years. She kneeled in front of a strange stone, feeling the tears about to fall, but she refused to let that happen. She was breathing heavily, so when she felt a hand on her shoulder, she wasn't just startled but scared.

When she saw who it was, she tried to steady her breathing. "What do you want?" she asked, not making eye contact. "I saw you running past me. You seemed distressed, so I followed you." Gaara said as he looked at the girl kneeling before him. Gaara looked around rather confused, "What is this place?" he asked. "It's the K.I.A. stone." she answered. He looked at her, "Alright, so why are you here?" He watched as she sat up straight, wiping away her tears, "This is the only place where I can visit my brother." Okami replied in sorrow.

"You have completely confused me. You have a brother? Where is he?" Gaara asked. "Yeah, three older brothers, actually. And well, the oldest one is right in front of you." she said, looking at the K.I.A stone. "Sorry you'll have to explain." Gaara said as he took a seat next to her. "This is his grave. My clan refused to build it back home, I don't know why. And since I live so far away, this is the first time I've visited in five years." Okami explained, tearing up.

"Why is it here?" Gaara asked, not really knowing what to say. "My brother was very close to so many shinobi, two of which were Shisui and Itachi Uchiha. And he trained under the super vision of the third Hokage. They all wanted something to honor him with." Okami explained. "How, how did he die?" Gaara asked once more. Okami let out a little giggle, "You're full of questions today." Okami joked, Gaara didn't know how to respond to that."He uh, he was killed protecting me and my other brothers." she said, now serious.

"We were at the border of the wind country and fire country. We were ambushed by a sand shinobi puppet master." Gaara gave her a surprised expression. He never would have expected that.

Flash back.

A seven year old Okami was sitting on a tree branch reading a medical book, as two other seven year old boys were looking through their bags for some food. "Aha, yes! We still have some berries left from our visit in the leaf!" one of the boys explained, holding up a small pouch from his bag. "Is that really something to get excited about?" the other one questioned. "At least I have something. What about you, Mr.'I'm too good for this?""

Okami giggled at her brothers arguments. "Are you two seriously arguing about some berries?" she asked. The boys turned away from each other. "Gray, it's great that you found something for us to eat. Chase be grateful for having something to eat." Okami said, reassuring her one brother and scolding the other. They heard a noise coming from the bushes, "Trent, is that you?" Gray asked as he and Chase got closer to their dear sister.

Out came a red-haired man with a creepy smile. "Well, well, what do we have here?" he asked. They saw his hidden sand forehead protector around his waist. A fight broke out, that the man started, the brothers tried their best to protect their beloved sister, and tried to call out to their older brother. They were all tiered, but the puppet master was not. He was just about to bring the final blow to Okami when a big brown wolf tackled him to the ground. Okami watched the match, but she could feel herself slipping in and out of consciousness.

Both were equally strong, equally fast, and equally experienced. However, the puppet master had the upper hand. He kept attempting to hurt Okami, Gray, and Chase, but the wolf wouldn't allow it. After all, he was their older brother. The more he protected them, the more he got injured, and more poison went in his system. Eventually, they heard the cry of leaf shinobi nearby, erataded the puppet master fled away. The wolf turned back to a sixteen year old boy with chocolate brown hair and greenish blue eyes.

He fell to the ground, a lot of  poison in his body, his breathing was off, and his vision was blurry. Okami slowly crawled towards her older brother. She gathered water around her and began to heal him. There were tears in her eyes, Trent put his hand on hers and told her to stop, "Are you crazy?! You'll die!" she yelled at him, confused. "Ok-okami, if y-you heal me th-then you will die." he said softly and slowly.

Just when she was about to protest, an ANBU grabbed her and pulled her away. She looked at the person, and she could instantly recognize him. "Itachi, let me go! He's hurt. He needs my help!!" she yelled, struggling against his grip. All the other members of the ANBU squad tried to help Trent. Okami kept yelling as Itachi carried her away. 

Back to reality.

"That was the last thing I remembered before waking up in the leaf hospital. My two other brothers were in the same room as me. They were unconscious and full of bandages. I heard some shinobi talking about the event, that's when I knew..." Okami trailed off, looking away in shame. Gaara felt completely useless. He didn't know what to do. So he slowly wrapped his arm around her shoulders. Okami slowly leaned into the sideway hug. "Your brother sounds like a crazy, yet respectable man." was all Gaara said, and that was all that needed to be said.

"Thanks, Gaara," Okami said as they both stood up and looked at each other. Okami then leaned forward and planted a soft yet gentle kiss on his cheek, "for everything." she said before wrapping her arms around his neck, hugging him. Gaara, taken aback by all that happened, slowly wrapped his arms around her waist. He felt warm inside, safe, he liked it. She let go and slowly walked away, though she didn't want to she really liked his company.

She turned around, smiling and waving at him before continuing. Gaara slightly waved back. He turned around to the K.I.A stone and bowed in respect. "Thank you for protecting her, Trent. I feel.. good around her." Gaara said as a  light pink dusted his cheeks.

T. B. C.

Awww I'm crying!! It's so sad what happened to her. So I hope you liked finding out what happened to her brothers, well one of them. Don't worry you will know what happened to Gray and Chace in another chapter. Bey.

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