Okami, Okami, Okami!

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Okami you better finish my paperwork, understand! Sheara yelled.

Okami remember to hand in those forms to lord third, alright? Ibiki smiled softly.

Hey Okami! Please please please train with me and Hinata at the Hyuuga compound! Tenten bowed.

Okami let's train our bodies with the great and awesome power of youth!! Gai yelled like he normally does.

Sensei please help me with my air technique. Naomi said.

Hey wolf mind helping me and Akamaru get stronger with a few tips? Kiba asked with his partner barking in agreement.

Okami, what do you think about you and I go have a little sparing match? It's been a while since I beet you up! Kurumu smirked evilly.

Sensei, please help me with my tracking skills! Koda said hopefully.

Okami help me prove to that pig I'm better than her! Sakura said.

Okami help me show that billboard brow just how strong I am! Ino said.

Okami sorry for bothering you, I know your busy but, do you mind helping Iruka at the academy? I'm sure the kids will listen to you. Lord third asked nervously.

Sensei sorry for asking out of the blue but, please help me with my water techniques! Kaden said with a pleading look on his face.

Okami dear! Do you think you can stop by and help around the hospital? I'm sure you might be able to help with Gai's student, Lee. Sarah said smiling sweetly.

Okami's pov.

I was really exhausted, so many people expect things from me and so many want things from me. I am not sure if I'll ever be able to live up to their expectations. "Okami!" I heard someone call. I turned around and froze, I was not expecting to see him, not here, not alone not without warning! "A-alfa Tuge!" I whispered yelled before quickly bowing down not looking up. I heard him let out a soft chuckle before saying, "Rise up, no need to be so formal, Okami. I wanted to ask you a very important question."

I was confused as I looked back at him. "W-what seems to be the problem your majesty?" I asked back. "I don't have a problem, it's more like a favor." he explained in more detail, "Could you maybe be Terra's bodyguard till the end of the exams?" "My king if I'm not mistaken she's been with child for almost nine months." I said, Alfa Tuge nodded his head. "Which means enemies will be after her, I want you to look out for her." he answered.

"I expect your request, my king." I said as I bowed in respect. "I'm glad to hear that. Not to mention Terra has missed you a lot, it might be good for her if you were by her side." Alfa said as he walked away, "After all, she was your mother." I heard him whisper. I didn't expect him to bring that up, I mean it's been years.

Time skip.
The next day.
3rd person pov.

"Alright keep your balance now! Once you perfected that you'll be able to do wonders in your air techniques!" Okami called out to Naomi, who was standing on one leg with a bunch of rocks stacked on her arms, as she stood on a round boulder.

"Okay, watch me then do exactly what I did." Okami told Kaden as she began to move her arms in a calm puch and pull motion by the river.

"Do you see that? That shows where the herd is." Okami said pointing towards some tracks in the ground. Both her and Koda kneeling close to the ground trying to get a good whiff of the deers sent.

"Gai this is a complete waste of my time! Can't you go bother Kakashi or anyone else for that matter?" Okami asked the energetic man who was climbing a steap cliff, completely ignoring her.

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