chapter 39

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(Sorry, this is kinda rushed because there are a lot that happen here and so on, and I wanna get to my part of the book. I may be skipping a few scenes and so on, sorry again.)

3rd person pov.

Okami and the others continued to travel, hoping they'd find Gaara. They went through a lot of trouble. For example, they had to fight Itachi along with two young men wearing ANBU masks. No one particularly knew who the two were, but they did know they weren't really trying to fight or prevent them from finding Gaara. They were joined by Gai and his team.

Afterward, they found the cave where they were keeping Gaara. But there was a seal preventing them from entering. They found out they needed to find the other seals to get inside. Gai and his team went to find the other seals. After they had to get Lee to turn down his volume, of course. Soon enough, Sakura was able to punch the giant bolder out of the way. Inside, they saw two figures, one tall the other short.

"Where's Gaara!?" Naruto yelled. "You mean him? Sorry, but you're too late. The one tail has already been removed from him." The blond guy said with a smug look. When Okami noticed the lifeless body nearby to them, her heart dropped. "Gaara? Gaara!" Tears formed in Okami's eyes as she cried out to him in desperation. The blond seemed to enjoy Naruto's anger, so he decided to play with them. He took Gaara's body on some kind of bird and flew away.

"Get back here, you cowered!" Naruto yelled as he ran after him. "Give Gaara back!" Okami demanded as she took off next to Naruto without thinking. She didn't care if Sasori was in there or not. All she cared about was Gaara. Kakashi ran after them, hoping to keep them from getting hurt. That left Sakura and Chiyo with Sasori.

After hours of running and chasing after the blond, Kakashi was to call the two furious teens. After some more struggling and getting help from Gai and the other yet again, they were able to get Gaara back.

They were able to gather a clearing where they were safe. They laid Gaara down to try and wake him, but after Okami checked his pulse, she couldn't hold back her tears. "No. No. No! Why!?" Naruto cried when he realized. "Why is it always him! What did Gaara or any other jenchuriki ever do to deserve this!?" Naruto snapped and went on about how unfair it was. "Gaara, I'm sorry. I was too late.." Okami whispered as she tried to stop her tears from rolling.

That's when Lady Chiyo stepped up to heal Gaara. Unfortunately, she didn't have enough chacra to complete the technique. "Here, use mine." Naruto placed his hands on top of Chiyo's and gave his chacra for her to use. "Lady Chiyo, are you sure about this? This technique.." Okami trailed off. "This is my way for making up from what I did to him." Chiyo explained. Okami felt sorry for all the horrible things she said about the old lady. Now, all they could do was wait.

Some time went by, and Gaara slowly began to open his eyes. "Gaara!" Okami cried, tears rolled down her cheeks as she wrapped her arms around his neck. "Do you have any idea how worried I was!? What were you thinking!?" Okami scolded him as she held him by his shoulders. Gaara, on the other hand, was confused and didn't know what was going on. "Gaara, you had us worried sick." Naruto said as he placed his hand on Gaara's shoulder. "Us?" Gaara asked just as a girl shoved Okami and Naruto out of the way as she talked to Gaara. Okami was rather upset with being pushed away from Gaara.

"Enough! Give him some space!" Tamari yelled as she pulled the girl away. "Gaara, are you okay!?" Tamari asked worriedly, getting into his face. "Tamari, you're not giving him space." Okami giggled. "Everyone came to see if you were okay." Kankuro said. "Everyone?" Gaara then looked around and saw his entire village's shinobi cheering to see him. Gaara was obviously surprised and shocked to see so many people happy to see him.

"You should thank granny Chiyo. She saved you. She's taking a nap now." Naruto said as he looked over to Sakura, who was holding Chiyo. "Naruto, she's not asleep." Okami told him. When everyone realized what Chiyo had done, they gave her a moment of silence before they carried her body back to the village. Naruto and Kankuro helped Gaara walk. Okami kept an eye on them as they walked, wanting to make sure Gaara was okay.

When they reached the village, ever villager was at the entrance of the village cheering. Gaara was in shock once again. Okami felt happy knowing that his people were finally accepting him. She could see the joy in Gaara's eyes. "Please take Gaara to the hospital. I want to make sure he's absolutely healthy and there isn't anything else we need to worry about." Okami told Kankuro. "Okami, that isn't necessary." Gaara tried to calm her down. "Don't start with me, Gaara. Hospital. Now. I won't repeat myself." Okami warned him with a strict tone. Gaara and the two boys holding him up felt a shiver go down their spines.

"You heard the lady." Kankuro said nervously. "Let's hurry then." Naruto said with a soft nervous chuckle. They hurried as fast as they could to the hospital. When they got there, they immediately got Gaara into a room so that Okami could inspect him for any other injuries or illness.

Gaara was in a hospital gown on the hospital bed when Okami entered the room. "How are you feeling?" Okami asked as she put on gloves. "I honestly don't feel sick or anything. This really isn't necessary, Okami." Gaara told her as she held a flashlight to his eyes. "Gaara, you were just brought back to life. You were dead for at least over an hour. This is absolutely necessary." Okami said as she took Gaara's arm to take some blood.

"Okami, I understand, but.." Gaara tried to talk. "No, Gaara! You don't understand! You were dead! You were gone! I thought I'd never see you again! I thought I had lost you!" Okami burst out in tears. Gaara froze, his heart dropped. He didn't know she felt that way. Okami leaned her head against Gaara's shoulder as her tears continued to roll. "I am so sorry for causing you this pain." Gaara said as he slowly hugged Okami to comfort her. "I'm sorry. I wasn't there to help you. I'm sorry." Okami continued to cry. "I never blamed you for any of this. And beside you couldn't have known." Gaara rubbed her back.

'I forgot how my heart would hammer against my chest whenever she was this close.' Gaara thought to himself. "Haha.." Gaara chuckled. "What's so funny?" Okami asked as she pulled away. "Last time you were the patient in the hospital. Now, it seems the rolls have reversed." Gaara continued to chuckle. Soon enough, Okami joined him as she wiped her tears. "You look good." Gaara blurt out. Okami blushed brightly. "You too. You definitely showed everyone how valuable you are." Okami said as she cupped his cheek.

Okami and Gaara continued to talk and catch up with each other. They were enjoying each other's company so much that they didn't notice the people outside the door eavesdropping. "They seem happy." Kankuro chuckled. "Our little brother is growing up so fast." Tamari smiled. "Wait. I didn't know Gaara and Okami liked each other." Naruto said in shock. "Really? It was so obvious." Sakura said as Tenten nodded in agreement. "Honestly, Naruto. How could you not notice?" Lee joined in. "I believe even Gai sensei noticed." Neji pondered. "Seriously!?" Naruto yelled. "SHHH!!" Everyone hushed him.

"What are you doing?" They teens turned around to see Koda, Kaden, and Naomi looking at them weirdly. "We're waiting for Okami to finish her check-up with Gaara." Kankuro said, trying to play innocent. "Uh-huh." Kaden said, not believing them. "So have they confessed to each other yet or not?" Naomi asked with a bright smile. Everyone froze. "Huh?" Naomi rolled her eyes at their reaction. "What? You thought we wouldn't notice? We're young, not stupid." Koda said with a playful smile.

"Okami always climbs up a tree near her room window when Lord Gaara sent her a letter. She stays up there until she practically knows it word for word." Naomi went on. "And from how sweet his letter are it's pretty obvious he likes her too." Tamari frowned in confusion. "How do you what he wrote?" She questioned. "Hehe.." Kaden laughed nervously. "I was helping clean the rooms while my sister was out to help some patients. Then I found a chest under her bed full of letters from lord Gaara." Naomi explained.

"You read his letters?" Tenten asked, seeing this as invading their privacy. "I simply wanted to know what was so good about these letters that she had to memorize them. I only read one, and that was more than enough proof that he shares the same feelings for her." Naomi said like it was obvious. "And from how worried sensei was for his safety and how strict she is about making sure he's in the clear. Who wouldn't notice?" Kaden's words made everyone turn their heads towards Naruto, whose face was beet red.

T. B. C.

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