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Tw: emotional abuse

Alex POV

"What do you guys think about my brain?"

Eh. Seems fine.

It's looking great ally!

"That's fantastic!"

Yep! Now your test! Quick and easy!

It's really hard. No one has ever competed it before.


Seth! Stop it.

Hey! I'm just being honest.

"What is the test?"

Well you just need to...

Emotional abuse. You need to go through some shit.


That's putting it plainly.

Basically, someone is going to come in and try and manipulate you, among some other things. Than you are going to have to make a choice- a very important one. You'll see.

Be strong ally. We cant help you.

"For my family."

I smiled even though no one could see me. The... void I was standing in was still black and empty.


I looked around for the voice that had just spoken.


"Hello Alexis."

"What's your name?"

"Unimportant. I want to know why you want to go back?"

"I uh... for my brothers. I want to be there for my brothers."

"They have eachother. They don't need you. Plus, without you it's an even number of people."

"Oh. I guess that's true."

"I doubt they even like you. They probably just pity you because your a girl and younger than everyone else."


"And, you never really had a friend. I'm sure they just felt bad for you because sapnap left you. They never actually cared about you. Isn't it obvious?"

"Is it?"

"Yes. Obviously they never liked you. Techno pitied you but notice how he blew up l'manburg? Didn't you care about it? And he blew it up without a second thought. And will? Will died without thinking about how you would feel. Why? He doesn't care. And Phil! Your own father killed Will in front of you! I know how mentally scarring that was to you. He doesn't care. Tommy let you get beaten up  by dream and he didn't do anything. No one likes you."


My voice was soft and broken. What the voice was saying... made sense. He wasn't lying, maybe I was lying to myself.

"But I need to go back, just in case."

"No you don't. You'll just be a nuisance."


The ground started to slip out from underneath me. I began to fall backwards, yet somehow extremely slowly.

"No one loves you."

The words echoed through my head. I'm not even sure if it was by head, the echoed through the void I was currently in. I kept falling back further, throwing my hands out to try and grab on to something. Anything.

Suddenly, I felt a hand. My eyes were too blurred with tears to be able to see you it was, but I felt a hand grab me and pull me out.

Light. Light filled my senses and covered my sight with the brightness that contested the dark depths I had just endured.

It hurt like hell.

Wilbur POV


Techno was yelling at me. I knew I had messed up, but this was still terrible.

"Techno calm down."

Phil had been trying to calm him down a little but you could see how scared he was. Dads favorite was always techno, Alex coming in a very close second. I was third, Tommy being his least favorite. Phil never tried to hide his list, although never particularly saying it out loud.

"No dad. It's fine, he had every right to be mad. I- I'll fix this. I promise."

"You better."

I winced at his harsh words, trying to focus as much as I could.

"Take me back. Take me back."

I was whispering it over and over again. Trying to go back to the spirit world.


Blackness and complete darkness is all you can see when you enter the ghost world.


It was alex. Her voice was broken and sad.

Oh shit, she was going through the test. She was going through the test to come back and she was failing.

I wasn't all the way in. I couldn't help her yet. I kept focusing, trying my damn hardest to get through. To be able to reach her.

She was falling, she kept falling. She through her hand out, attempting to reach out to me.

Suddenly, I felt her hand in mine. I pulled her into me, grabbing her shoulders into a hug. As I felt the darkness cave in around me, engulfing every inch of my body. I was getting sucked out, the life pulled out of me, when I felt a strong hand on my shoulder.


Light. The light hurts like hell. I was wrapped up in a hug with an Alex, crying her eyes out and me who was crying almost as hard.

Damn, why is it so bright?

Techno POV


Phil shook Will By his shoulder. Will had his eyes closed, shaking violently.

A bright light took over the room, as Phil and I covered our eyes. Loud, screeching noises filled the null void that had once made me feel empty. They scratched out my pained eardrums, the same ears that threatened to bleed at the horrific noises.

Soon, the extreme noises subsided and I allowed myself to open my eyes. The light was gone, in place of it was Alex and will in a tight embrace, tears flowing down their faces at a rapid pace.


I was timid, trying to make sure she was real. Her being gone had broken me, I thought I would be gone forever; yet here she was.

She attempted to look at me but quickly widened her eyes before releasing from wills grasp and scooting herself away from him.

"I-I shouldn't be here. I need to go."


This wasn't the ally I knew. She was scared, worried, hurt.

"I'm sorry. I should be dead. I'm supposed to be dead. Why aren't I dead?"

She began to cry again, even harder than before; a feat I didn't believe possible.

Al three of us rushed forward to engulf her in a hug, yet her face just showed pure horror.

What the fuck did Will do to her.



Wc: 1050

More coming soon, I'm in a very writing mood haha.

Love you all!

Go drunk some water.

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