Planning out chapters

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Since the story just ended I thought I'd let you guys know that that was not how it was supposed to end hahaha. So here is my original plan for the last four chapters, I think it's pretty funny. 

vii: ally starts to get really worried about her brothers and she comes to terms that they do in fact love her. Deciding she needs a day to herself, she goes to visit Sam and spends some time with him, getting away from the drama a little and getting to know Sam.

viii: ally visits Tubbo, trying to talk him out of some stupid decisions before he gets super mad at her and takes her hostage, deciding to use her against Tommy and techno because they come in will a hostage if their own, Conner. It turns into a huge fight between the two sides, ending in Tubbo almost killing Tommy in a fit of rage and Alex staying behind to comfort a crying Tubbo, helping him come to his senses.

ix: Dream begins to build walls around l'manburg, explaining his actions by blaming Tommy for blowing up the community house. Tubbo starts to hand the disc over to dream before Tommy and Tubbo fight again, techno trying to step in and me staying right by technos side. Dream gets both discs, ending in Tommy siding with tubbo and Alex staying with techno. The next day, techno dream Alex and Phil all head to l'manburg to blow it up. Alex didn't agree with this and said she wouldn't help either side, not wanting to hurt her brothers. When it all starts to happen, the withers immediately lock on to Alex, making everyone mad as she hadn't done anything wrong. She gets hit by a wither causing her to pass out and be put back into that empty void. The voices that had been talking to her the whole time were gone. She heard Schlatt behind her, when she turned; she saw Schlatt sitting in a rocking chair. He was reading the book about ghosts Alex had grabbed from Wilburs room a very long time ago. When Alex got closer; she saw that will was there too. He was strumming some quiet chords on a guitar while Schlatt was reading slowly and methodically. Schlatt and will start talking to her about how it isn't her time yet and how the two of them couldn't come back to earth anymore. And now they'd always be there for her. They sat for hours, talking and enjoying eachothers company before Alex had to go back. She didn't have a choice. As she was pulled away, she woke up in puffys house, puffy getting very scared from her sudden movements. When puffy explained what happened Alex asks about Tommy and Tubbo. Puffy saying they just left to go talk to dream terrified me. Puffy began filling her in on other things. Snowchester and how everyone had been doing. Soon enough Alex is running out of the house to see l'manburg. When she gets there, she sees the damage and begins to cry. She had built all of that after all. Wilbur and Schlatt sit next to her and hug her. Apparently only she can see them. Soon Alex realizes that everyone is gone. It's just her and Schlatt, so they walk around together. Enjoying eachothers company. When Tommy and Tubbo get back, saying they've won and Dream is in prison she turns to schlatt and jumps into a hug. He tells her she did so good, everyone getting a little worried at ally was just floating in mid air. It ends with her running back and pulling everyone into a giant hug, turning around to see Schlatt slowly disintegrating behind her.

x: the ball. Make it dramatic , with Alex seeing Schlatt in the corner and going up to dance with him and all that. Make Alex excited when she sees Phil and techno and just to see everyone. Make the ending dramatic.

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