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Alex POV

We were standing on a portion of the wooden path. It was going over the top of the skinny part of a lake which left a little bit of ground for us to stand on.

I was still on dreams side of the path. We walked up to start the fight. I was in between sapnap and Eret. I had been using a small, sharp rock to slowly cut away at my ropes since they tied them. I was getting close.

"Are you ready?"

Wilburs voice spoke over my thoughts and I looked up. Tommy and Dream shook hands before turning to stand back to back.

Wilbur started to count out the paces.


A strand of the rope popped loose.


There were only three strands left.


I could almost wiggle my hands.


Another strand let go.


Only two strands left.


I was able to twist my wrists now.


I moved faster,


Another strand let go.


One strand left.


It let go.

My whole world seemed to slow down as the rope dropped to the ground. No one noticed because of the fight at hand.

Dream whipped around and shot at tommy. He jumped to the side. They shot another few shots before Dream landed one in Tommy's shoulder. With dreams accuracy, he could have killed him. I wonder why he didnt.

I saw Tommy fall to the ground and panicked. I grabbed my gag and through it out of my mouth. Sapnap finally noticed what was going on.

Tears were streaming down my face when I darted forward. Sapnaps hand grabbed my arm before I could get to far and I whipped around angrily.


My reaction must have startled him because his eyes seemed sad and shocked at the same time. I didn't have time to think about our past friendship right now though, as soon as I was free I sprinted over to Tommy. Tubbo had Tommy's head in his lap.

"Oh my god Tommy. Ok uh Wilbur go get me some bandages and clean water, fundy go get me some stitching supplies."

They both ran off to get me the things and I sat down across from Tubbo. We rolled Tommy over so I could see the arrow lodged in his shoulder blade.

"Tubbo do you have a knife?"

He nodded and pulled a pocket knife out of his boot. I took it and started to look at what I need to do. Tubbo pulled an extra shirt out of his bag and handed it to me. I gave him a quick smile and started cleaning up the arrow shot.

"Tubbo don't let him fall asleep."

Tubbo started talking to Tommy and he lazily answered and talked back. I could tell he was slipping out of it.

After I could see what I was doing, Will came back with the water and bandages. I dipped the shirt in water and started to soak up some blood, applying pressure around the arrow. The arrow was in a spot where I didn't want to just pull it out so I made a few small incisions around the arrow. Than I was able to pull it out in one piece. I immediately soaked the whole shirt in water and pushed down onto the whole in his back with the cotton material.

"Where the hell is fundy?"

No one answered. I sighed before seeing him come running towards me from the community house. He quickly handed me the stuff and I began stitching up the whole.

About five minutes later it was all stitched and I wrapped his back in bandages.

I exhaled heavily and sat back. Tommy was alive. He was fine. I couldn't have lost another family member. Not now. Not ever.

I fell back into Wilburs lap, not having slept at all the last night.

Tommy grunted and tubbos eyes lit up.


"hey tubs."

His voice was small and weak, but it was a voice.

"I need to speak with Dream."

"No Tommy it's time to go home. We get one more night before we have to leave."

Wilbur spoke with a newfound Sympathy.

"No Will I need to talk to Dream."

"Will I can go with him if you'd like?"

I offered politely. Will was more likely to let Tommy go of my voice of reason was there.

"Ok but if he starts doing something stupid, please stop him."

I nodded and helped Tommy up. He put his arm around my shoulder and smiled back at the group behind me.

We wobbled over to dream and Tommy asked if we can discuss in private. He led us over to the community house and Tommy stepped over to his enderchest, uninjured arm still around me for support.

"Dream if you give us independence, I will give you both of my discs. Melohi and cat. But only if you give us our full independence."

Dream stood and thought for a second. I knew exactly what he was thinking. If dream wanted to, he could overthrow our entire nation in one day, so what was the downside of this offer? He got the best of both worlds.

"Sure. Give me the discs, you can keep your little l'manchildburg thing you have going on."

Tommy looked like he was about to yell at dream again but I interrupted.

"Thank you so much dream! We will be on our way now."

Tommy grunted, handing Dream the discs. We walked out and headed towards l'manburg, everyone else was probably already back.

As we got the the gates Tommy seemed very proud. We walked into the camar van, where everyone else was sitting around the table.

"Fellas we are now an independent country."

Tommy and I smiled brightly.

"What? Wait? How?"

Questions flowed throughout the room, well the three people sitting at the table, and Wilbur looked at Tommy with a shocked expression.

"How did you do it tommy?"

"I gave dream both of my discs."

The whole room went quiet. We all knew how much those discs meant to Tommy. I looked at Tommy and he looked back at me. I was so happy.

"Tommy gave up everything for l'manburg, that sets our bar pretty high."

We all laugh a little and cheer. We were our own country. We were independent.

And most importantly, we were safe.

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