Till Death Do Thy Part

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Today was the day your family would finally get ride of you today was the day you become a slave to your husband to be. A sigh leaves yours lips and you look at yourself in the mirror your eyes meet your mothers who was glaring at you as she did your hair. "sit up straight you good for nothing child. I can't believe Chishiya agreed to marry you. But at the same time I should be grateful his family will bring a lot of money into our company with them being well known doctors" you just nodded your head in agreement. Oh how you wanted to kick and scream at her but you knew it would only end with you being slapped in the face and more yelling. Your mother tugged at your hair a few more times before slamming the brush down "I trust you to get dressed and not try to run. Even if you do you will either fall to your death out of the window or be shot by the guards your choice. But I expect you to be down stairs in twenty minutes or less understand." I nodded my head and she stormed out the room slamming the door shut.
You stood and walk to the window looking down. *I could jump* you thought to yourself *would be better then living as a slave* you bit your lip and opened the window, the building was four stories high you would either die or just brake some bones. Letting out another sigh you look over to your wedding dress. A nice simple black dress that apparently Chishiya picked out himself for you to wear with black heels to match .

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You looked back and forth from the window to the dress *jump or marry, jump or marry* you thought to yourself until a knock on the door made you jump "I know what your thinking my little mouse" it was Chishiya

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You looked back and forth from the window to the dress *jump or marry, jump or marry* you thought to yourself until a knock on the door made you jump "I know what your thinking my little mouse" it was Chishiya. Since you were both young Chishiya being older then you by two years he has always teased you and belittled you calling you his mouse like he owned you.. Well he soon would when you married. You knew he didn't care about you. He cared for no one but himself. "times ticking mouse make your choice just don't make it to messy ok" and with that you heard him walk away. Grabbing the closest item next to you which happened to be a varse you threw it at the door a scream of anger leaving you, taking a deep breath you got dressed and headed down.

The wedding went by fast a simple nod of the head and paper work sighed you are now Sin Shuntaro. You fake smiled as everyone congratulated you and Chishiya. Tost were made and the first dance over with Chishiya was soon dragging you off to the car that would take you to your honeymoon. He pushed you into the limo and you sat on opposite sides. No words where spoken as you looked out the window. You spotted fireworks *how odd I don't remember fireworks at the wedding* you glance over at Chishiya and he had a blank look on his face like normal. You shrugged it off as nothing. But soon the car stop confusing you both. "why did you stop driver" Chishiya spoken as he rolled the screen to the driver side down only to find the driver gone. He frowned and got out of the limo you stayed seated untold otherwise. It felt like an hour before Chishiya head popped into view from the limo door "get out." you nodded and got out. Looking round the streets where empty cars just left randomly. You walk to stand by Chishiya who grabbed your wrist and pulled you into walking. It was late and getting cold and you knew Chishiya wasn't going to be a gentleman and give you his suite jacket so you shivered and sucked it up. "where is everyone. Oh strange" you shrugged your shoulders and he glares at you. You knew he was going to tell at you but he was cut off when the TVs lit up on the billboard.

Wellcome to the game. Please follow the arrows to the arena.

"game huh well then. Let's go mouse"

Hi sorry if this sucks. It is my first story please let me know what you think so far 💜

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