Duck, Duck Goose

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It felt like hours before you reached the destination of the game your feet where killing you because of the heels and with how fast Chishiya was dragging you. But none the less there you both stood in front of what looked to be and abandoned swimming pool club. You took a look round trying to see if anyone was hanging about but the streets where completely empty. You had a sinking feeling in your stomach that something awful was about to happen. "well shall we go in" Chishiya spoke sound bored as he pulled you into the waiting area of the pool. You were shocked to see other people inside there where three girls and four boys inside. The two of the boys and one girl was dressed as if they had just came from the beach which confused you. But you shook it off as you watched Chishiya pick up a phone "anyone mind telling us what is happening?" he asked looking round the room he signaled for to come to his side, I nodded picking up a phone. The screen flashed on a said something about being registered to play and that there was six minutes till registration closed." it's a game" the girls spoke "I'm kuina, I'm guessing this is your first game right. Well it's kind of easy to understand, you play to win cards. Each card is the level of how difficult and what sort of game it will be" the phone beeped saying there was only three minutes left. "what else can you tell us" "diamond games are knowledge, spade games are physical, club games are a mix of physical and mental and then there heart...the worst kind of game a game of mental stability." kuina finished explaining "hmm doesn't seem to difficult to understand" "she for getting to mention that if you don't win the game you die" you felt your blood run cold at those words you side glanced at Chishiya who looked un-bothered. He justed nodded his head. Suddenly the phones go off.

Registration closed.
Number of players nine
Game level two of spades
Game duck, Duck, goose

One player is the goose the rest are ducks. Each member sits in the centre of the pool and plays the game like normal if the goose lands on you, you have to run and not let the goose catch you. If they catch you, then you die. Game will end when the goose fails to catch the duck or the goose catches all the ducks. Game will last twenty minutes each goose has 30 seconds to catch the duck. The game starts when everyone is in the pool.

The man who told you about dieing if you failed the game laughed "this will be a piece of cake. Good luck to which ever one of you who dies...but I hope its not you cutie" he winked and licked his lips at me. I felt my cheeks blush and looked away from him Chishiya glared at him before pulling me into the pool with him. I couldn't help but gasp at the cold water hitting my skin. We all stood in a circle waiting soon a spot light beamed down on me, "you are the duck"  I bit my lip looking round the room. Soon a second light landed in the creepy pervert man "you are the goose begin" I don't know what came over me but I just swam as fast as I could from him the rules didn't say anything about where I could and not go just that he couldn't catch me. He was getting close to me the wedding dress was weighing me down, but I pushed my body to move faster reaching the edge of the pool and pulling my self up. The man chasing me stopped as if waiting for something to happen when nothing happened he started to swim again. I quickly took my heels and dress of leaving me in my underwear as I started to run towards the ladders towards the diving bored the clock on the wall flashed 10 seconds to go. The man just got out of the pool he had an evil grin on his face "come here little cutie I won't hurt you I just want to play a little" ignoring him you started to climb. He ran towards you screaming like a mad man then suddenly a beeping sound echoed in the room and a popping noise. I looked behind me to see the man's head blown clean off. I felt bile rise in my throat but heald it back when I heard Chishiya tell at me "run sin" I gasped seeing on the girls swimming towards me.

Time skip

The game ended me, Chishiya, kuina and the two boys where the only ones to make it out alive as we walked out of the swimming pool and fell to my knees shivering my body was cold and tired I just wanted to sleep and be warm. I felt a hand on my shoulder "hey it's ok" I looked up to see Kuina I gave her a small smile "how about you and Chishiya come with me" "and where exactly would we be going?" he questioned.

"to the beach"

Sorry if this chapter sucks I will try my best to improve my writing

an act of sin (Alice in borderland Chishiya x Niragi X Oc) Where stories live. Discover now