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Chishiya pov

"Mally do you love your husband Chishiya? "

"I... I" I looked at Mally worried what she would say. This was a curle way to find out if she did love me but at least I would know and I would improve on myself to try and treat her better... "i.. I.. Don't" she spoke out loud with confidence. The light turned green for truth. I was shocked she didn't love me but.. But what about Sin did Sin love me. I looked at her but she wouldn't look at me. Did Mally feel bad about her answer. The voice spoke again. "Chishiya you have been give dare..Your dare is to device Mally. Do you expect?" what... This had to be a joke right. I looked at Mally who looked just as confused, had this been rigged or something, no impossible right...either way I have to say yes if I don't I'll die.." ok i will" I spoke calmly a piece of paper came from the table along with a pen. "please sign the divorce papers" I was shocked to see actual divorce papers this can't be happing I.. I don't want this..but I want to live. Taking the pen I signed them then they moved to Mally who sat looking confused for a few minutes before signing the papers.. Then the game was over..

The ride back to the beach was quite between us. But I could feel a strange happiness vibe from Mally. I wonder how Sin was dealing with this all. Surely she would be pissed at Mally but then again Sin has started to become a bit more like Mally everyday with gaining confidence, it's almost like they are becoming one person. "we're back" Aguni spoke braking the silence in the almost empty car, Mally hopped out of the car in a instant and went to Kauni who was waiting. "trouble in paradise?" Aguni smirked. I glared at him "it's none of your business" he laughed "you can't keep a leash on her just to make her love you. Try letting her be free for once in her life" I didn't say anything as I got out of the car. What would he know Aguni doesn't strick me as the type of person to have been in love.
In side the hotel the Hatter was congratulating those who had serviced their games. His arm was around Mally waist see it made my blood boil. "Now now ladies and gentlemen let's head outside to the stage. Our wonderful Mally here is going to sing for us." the crowed cheered Mally looked confused but shook it off. I've heard Sin sing but not Mally. Following the crowed out Mally was up on stage. The lights off then music and then Mally in all her beauty was up in stage singing (the song in the banner). Niragi was there up front...they..they were flirting with each other. My blood boiled, my eyes met with Mally as she sang. This song was aimed at me this was her was of telling me she was no longer mine to boss around and tell what to do. I had lost.

Well it's been a while sorry to those who have been waiting life if a bit crazy at the moment. I'm sorry if this chapter sucks. I might come back and edit I'm not good at putting my thoughts down in words. Let me know what you think. Much love

an act of sin (Alice in borderland Chishiya x Niragi X Oc) Where stories live. Discover now