Drink Up

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You sat in Chishiya lap uncomfortably his grip was tight on your waist that you were sure it was going to leave bruises, the door soon opened and the hatter walked in his arms in the air as he let out a sigh, a girl that was behind him came up to you and handed you a bowl of fruit, "ahhh what a beautiful morning hmm Sin" he looked at you smiling "eat up my dear I didn't see you at breakfast, can't have you playing a game on an empty stomach can we now" you have a small nod looking down at the bowl filled with strawberry, mango and cherry's. You picked a strawberry up taking a bite, you could feel both the hatter and niragi eyes on you Chishiya glared at the both as he took your hand that had strawberry juice on it and licked it off your fingers, you hear Niragi growl in anger and the hatter have a small moan, you felt your cheeks flush. A chough pulled everyone back into the room "any way for today games. Obviously we need to see how Sin and Chishiya will help benefit us with our plan so you will both be going to a different game each, Aguni will go with Sin and Anna will go with Chishiya is that ok" "why can't we go together?" Chishiya asked not soundings to happy "well we don't want your feelings for each other get the way if something was to happen to either one of you. Love can make you do silly things" you chocked on a piece of mango when the word love came up Chishiya frowned and patted your back "beautiful Sin are you ok, please don't worry you will be kept safe Aguni will look after you" you waved your hand giving a small nodded getting off Chishiya lap and heading to the door "oh Sin darling met Aguni at the main door by 7 ok" you nod and left you made sure to be fair way from the meeting room before bursting out into laughter this could be it, this could be a chance for you to be free.

It was 6:15 you were getting dressed into a baggy t-shirt and shorts when you felt arms around your waist. "Mallymkun you better come back alive" your eyes widen at the use of your real name Instead of your middle name. "Chishiya" you whispered "promise me Mally you will come back" his lips brushed against your neck leaving butterfly kisses, you felt your heart race, confusion clouded your mind. Why did he care.. No he doesn't care it just all part of his plan, he turned you round to look at him his forehead against yours eyes locking "don't hold back show your true self to Aguni" you nodded, you don't know why but you felt your cheeks flush and heart beat fast as you looked into Chishiya eyes, his face slowly came closer you could feel his breath on your lips his eyes slowly closed, you felt your self start to panic and pushed Chishiya away "I have to go... Stay safe" and ran out the room. You raced down to the main entrance to see Aguni waiting for you. He gave you a nod and walked away you followed behind.

You and Aguni walked to a bar room you both picked up the a phone and looked round on total there was seven people you and Aguni bring it up to nine most of them being men but you saw one person sitting in the corner they looked familiar to you so you made your way to them, a gasp left your lips "Grammy?" her head shot up to look at you her face bruised her gray hair matted into a cut on her cheek "Mallymkun. Oh my sweet drear your alive" she pulled you into a hug "where is Chishiya?" "he fine, he's playing another game he is safe" "oh good, good I don't want you to be alone" you nod "have you seen anyone else in the family..?" she gave a sad smile "I'm.." but she was cut off "well, well look what the cat dragged in a pathetic little mouse" you bite your tongue glaring at the floor "father" "surprised your still alive" "Jeffrey please" "oh hush old woman your going to end up dead soon like the rest of them" "the rest of them?" "your mother and grandpa died" your father spat. You didn't care much for your mother but your grandpa and grammy have always been kind and showed you love. Glaring at your father you gave your crying grandma a hug "don't give me that look you pathetic child" your father raised his fist to hit you but the phones go off.

Welcome players
Registration now closed
Number of players: 10
Game level: four of hearts
Game shot roulette.

Each player will stand around the table. The table will have ten shots it will spin round twice before stopping, each player will have a shot, two shots are poisoned. Those who have the poison will die. There will be four rounds. Only two will Survive. Game starts when everyone is around the table.

You all gather round the table you father stood across from you, your grandma next to him, you stood next to Aguni who kept his eye on you. One everyone was around the table a plate come up from the table ten shot glasses with a clear liquid in the span round twice before stopping. Everyone looked round the room at one another, you picked up your shot glass and everyone followed your lead except your father who just down his shot. You examined your shot glass the liquid looked just like water but upon smelling it you can smell something was off with it it had a strange metal smell. You pour the liquid on the floor and  put your shot glass as everyone else took their shots, a young boy let out a gasp and started foaming out the mouth before dropping to the floor dead.
Round one complete round two begin.

This went on it was now round three, you, Aguni, your gammy, father and a man who looked like he was some fancy ceo was left. "this is crazy all of you should die for me I'm a very important person in the world" "oh shut your mouth I'm a ceo of a medical company you should die for me" your father spat. They glared at each other. "please stop there has to be away for us all to live" your grammy whispered "there isn't you stupid cow. Now drink your dam shot" she shook her head no "no i won't" "drink it " he shouted "stop it  leave her alone" you snapped at him, you could feel your anger boiling in your blood. You knew how to stop the game you knew how you could all live but you held back the info because you were hoping your father would have died at some point but luck seemed to be on his side. "what did you say you little shit you dare disrespect me" "if she doesn't want to drink then don't make her""are you stupid someone has to die and its not me" with that he grabbed your grandma by the hair and forced the shot down her mouth "you bastard" your tried to stop him but Aguni stopped you. Everything seemed to freeze for a few seconds before your grandma chough up blood "no" you whispered tears brimming in your eyes. "Mallymkun my sweet, my bag something.... Something for you" those where her last words before she clasped to the floor. Tears fell from your eyes "finally the bitch is dead now drink" your father glared at Aguni and the man, the man took his shot shaking in fear, Aguni just took it like it was nothing. The man died...it was now just you, Aguni and your father, the shot glasses appeared and span once this was the last round. One glass was poisoned "Aguni pass me your shot." he gave you a confused look but gave it you. "what are doing child trying to guess the poisoned glass haha your so stupid just drink and die already join your pathetic grandmother" "shut your mouth bastard" you glared and smell Aguni shot. It was safe so you gave it him back. "drink it" you told him, he glared and you but nodded. You smelt yours.. Metal.. You had the poison. You put your glass down and looked at your father. "just you and me father" he smirked "indeed Sin, so drink up  and die already" "you know I've always hated you and mother. You never loved me always abused me called me stupid, you never gave me the change to prove to you I was smart." your father laughed "your a stupid child" he spat. You just shook your head a spun the table so you had your father shot glass, being quick you took on of Aguni blades and jammed the table with it so your father could move it "I'm not stupid...the only thing I'm stupid for doing is not stopping you form killing grammy. I was hoping you would die then I could tell everyone the plan but you just have to live didn't you... No one had to drink, you just need to not have the poison but if you made it look like you drank the poison you would live.... We could of all made it out" your father laughed "what are you talking about you stupid girl" suddenly a timer for 10 seconds appeared on the TV "the round has gone on for to long, who ever has the poison will die",
"key words Father, who ever has the poison dies, you don't have to drink it. You just had to have it next to you." your father's face paled "haha.." suddenly a red laser struck your father killing him. You walked over to his body and kicked him "fucking asshole" you scream as you kept kicking your father body "she shouldn't of died, it should of just been you" tear fell from your face, Aguni pulled you away from him "say goodbye to your grandmother and let's go" you nod and go to your grammy "I'm so sorry gammy, I could of saved you. I'm so sorry" you closer her eyes and kiss her for head and took her bag before following Aguni back to the car. When you got back to the beach you handed Aguni the card and told him you where going to bed.

Hi thank you to all who a still reading I hope you like this chapter, sorry if there are lots of mistakes I'm just not good with putting my thoughts to text.
Much love

an act of sin (Alice in borderland Chishiya x Niragi X Oc) Where stories live. Discover now