The Beach

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Things may get a little hot with Sin and Chishiya in this chapter.

"to the beach" was the last thing you heard before passing out from the cold.

You woke up to the feeling of someone playing with your hair. Slowly you open your eyes to see kuina smiling at you, you smile back and slowly sit up. You notice you had a hoodie on which you were glad for when you looked round the room to see other watching you Chishiya was sat on a chair next to you looking bored. "ah finally the sleeping beauty awakens. I'm the hatter lovely to meet you my dear. Welcome to the beach." you gave a small nodded and the hatter just grind. "here at the beach we believe we have found away to return home by collecting all of the Cards. Kuina and Aguni believe you would be both useful to us if you joined" I looked over at Chishiya who looked deep in though. I knew what he was probably thinking he coming up with a plan to get out of here by stealing the cards but I could be wrong. "what do you say pretty lady. Will you join us?" you looked up at the hatter then back at Chishiya "don't look at him for a answer" Chishiya smirked "actually she does have to look to do a answer. She is my wife and will only speak unless I say she can." "oh I see...then I guess I won't be able to have a taste of our lovely new member" the Hatter fake cried. "what happens if we don't join you?" "then you die." "fine we will join. But I want to be high ranking" "well it dosnt quite work like that but if you prove your worthy I will let you join the higher ups." Chishiya nods "fine we will join" "wonderful we have a few rule. Rule one you must wear beach wear bikin's for the lady's shorts for the men. Rule two all cards belong to the beach and rule three death to all treators. Understood" we both nodded our heads. "excellent Kuina why don't you show.. I'm sorry I didn't get your name beautiful" "her name is Sin and I'm Chishiya" he snapped. "very well show Sin where she can find her bikin  and I'll show Chishiya"  you look to Chishiya and nodded "go. I expect for us to share a room" "of course it will be arranged." you just nodded and follow Kuina out of the room.

Kuina lead you down a few hallways before stopping at a room and opening it. It was filled top to bottom with different bikine styles. "hmm let's see what would look good on you" you shrugged your shoulders at  Kuina "is what Chishiya said won't talk unless he says you can?" you bite your lip and let a small whisper "yes... But I trust you not to tell him I spoke to you" kuina smiled you could tell they wanted to ask you more questions but the didn't and you where thankful "you can trust me. I won't tell." "thank you... Why are all these bikine so.." "overly sexual?" you nodded "here at the beach sex, drugs and drinking is a free for all so the less to take of the quicker to the dirty stuff" a small o left your lips and kuina giggled "don't worry I think i found the perfect one for will show those tattoos of your of just great" kuina hands you the clothes and you change into it

it will show those tattoos of your of just great" kuina hands you the clothes and you change into it

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You come out of the changing room a small blush on your cheeks "oh dam... I think we should cover you up actually here put this on." kuina chucks you an over sized hoodie

You slipped it on the length coming to just above the knee

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You slipped it on the length coming to just above the knee. "you look so cute
.. Chishiya and so many others won't be able to keep their eyes off you" you fiddle with the sleeves a little "kuina.. Can we Dye my hair...i know its random but I kind of want to feel different." kuina gave you a small smile and nods.

It was late when kuina took you to yours and Chishiya room. "goodnight Sin I'll see you tomorrow" you have a small wave before entering the dark room, you looked over to the bed to see if Chishiya was sleeping but the bed was empty. You let out a sigh of relief but it soon turned into a squeek of fear when you felt arms go round your waist "my naughty mouse where have you been?" you swol scared to give an answer. Chishiya hand slowly moved up to the zipper of then hoodie and pulled it down he took a step back pulling the hoodie off you leaving you in the bikini. You shiver but your not sure if it  was from the cold or Chishiya touch. "my, my mouse has been naughty who said you could change you hair" you let out a gasp of pain as he pulls you hair "should I punish you...hmm maybe I'll let the hatter be your first time" "no.. Please no" you whispered in fear. "no. Hmmm" you felt Chishiya lips brush against your ear "you know it  really pissed me off that everyone was looking at you tonight,  I think I should show them who you belong to", with that he chucked you on to the bed claiming on top of you. His lips attacking your neck kiss, biting, you knew he was leaving hickeys, his hands squeeze your breast causing you let out a moan, you could feel your body heat rising as he kissed down your to your chest. He looked up at you smirking before sitting up you just lay there waiting. Chishiya pulled something out of his hoodie pocket and your eyes widened it was your wedding ring on a gold chain made into a chocker. Chishiya pulls you to sit up and places the chocker on you biting your neck one more time before pulling away "your mine" he whispered before getting off the bed and leaving the room. You just frozen your hand placed on the wedding ring now around your neck "I should of jumped" you told yourself before going to sleep

Hi sorry if this seemed rushed my  phone was going flat. I hope you liked this chapter, feed back would be a great help.
Many thanks

an act of sin (Alice in borderland Chishiya x Niragi X Oc) Where stories live. Discover now