066. insane

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A/n: This was requested by sukusingh

3rd person pov:

Y/n Andrews was twin sister of Archie Andrews, yet they were somehow polar opposites. Archie was Riverdale High's golden boy- star of the football team and somehow a straight A student, though he was dumb as a box of rocks most times. Then there was Y/n. Y/n was a loner, who mostly blended in with the crowd- except she would constantly get in fights and get suspended. She was pretty much closed off to almost everyone, except her best friend, Jughead Jones.

Nobody ever messed with Y/n, which was why her and Jug worked so well together. He was shy, and was used to being picked on and teased. But she refused to let that happen to him, prepared to fight anyone who so much as look at him wrong. He called it 'anger issues' but she saw it as just sticking up for her bestfriend.

However today he wasn't lucky enough to have Y/n by his side. He was standing in the lounge by himself, his arms crossed as he looked grumpy as usual. He hadn't eaten breakfast, so he was already moody. So when Reggie Mantel, one of the school's jocks, began to argue with Jughead, he was extra annoyed.

"So if a kid at school killed Jason, it wouldn't be a jock right?" Reggie started, and Jughead immediately knew where this was going. "No, no let's be honest. Isn't it always some spooky, scrawny, pathetic internet troll, to busy writing his manifestos to get laid?" Betty and Kevin, who were also sitting in the lounge at the time, sighed. They knew he was talking about Jughead. Jughead was undoubtedly the school's 'freak,' who came from the wrong side of town, with a shitty home-life and who everyone had bets on that he'd be the next killer in town, if he wasn't already.

Reggie and Jughead had a very bad history. Reggie had been picking on Jug since they were in middle school, even before then. He would trip him in the halls, steal his stuff, call him awful names behind his back- and even to his face. He was awful towards Jughead, but nobody ever cared enough to do anything, not even the staff members at school.

"-some smug, moody, serial killer, fanboy, freak... like Jughead" Reggie said, finishing his sentence. Jug rolled his eyes, turning his attention towards Reggie, though he was unfazed by his words. "So what was it like Suicide Squad, when you shot Jason?"

Y/n had just walked into the lounge, only hearing that one sentence. Nobody had seen her come in but she had almost dropped her coffee in anger. She needed no context for what was happening- that one sentence alone was enough to fill her in on the entire conversation. She placed her coffee down on the table nearby, her body hidden from view by the vending machines that lined the lounge wall.

She watched as Jug continued to keep a neutral expression, which bothered Reggie even more.

"You didn't do stuff to the body, did you? Like, after."

"It's called necrophilia Reggie... can you spell it?" Y/n was too busy rolling her eyes that she almost missed what he'd said. When what he'd said finally registered in her brain, her face lit up with a smirk for he'd stood up for himself, and he never does that.

"C'mere you little-" Was all that was heard before Reggie hopped the back of the couch, infuriated over what Jug had just said. Before she knew what was happening, Reggie was in Jughead's face. She instinctively closed the 5 foot gap between her and Jug, stepping in front of him, in attempt to shield him from whatever Reggie was about to do to him.

She was now looking into the eyes of Reggie Mantel, a boy she'd hated since the day she met him. He stared down at her, still angry.

"What's your problem Andrews?" He asked, trying to be as intimidating as he could in front of his popular friends, for he couldn't be seen cowering at the hands of a girl.

"You're my problem. Just stay away from him- and we can be done here." She said, trying not to stutter as she sometimes did. It sounded pathetic when trying to argue with someone like Reggie, for her to start stuttering in the middle of a comeback.

"Why do you even care Y/n? Did you and this freak kill him together or something-"

In the blink of an eye, Reggie was on the floor, holding his bleeding nose after Y/n's fist made contact with his face.

"I think you broke my nose... psychopath!" Reggie yelled, still holding his face as the blood ran down his arm. Jughead grabbed Y/n's arm, dragging her out of the lounge and down the hall, looking for somewhere to hide.

"Jug, where are we going?" She laughed, making him roll his eyes

"You just hit Reggie Mantel- we need to hide before Moose or Chuck comes looking for you!" He yelled, opening the door to the janitors closet and looking inside.

"We don't need to hide from them you know... I obviously can take them." She said once he'd closed them in the janitors closet. He sighed, taking off his beanie and running his hands through his hair.

"You're insane Y/n Andrews... clinically insane"

"Yeah, but you love it."

He looked up at her, his green eyes lighting up his whole face. That was her favorite part about him, his clear greenish-blue eyes that could brighten up her whole day. His knees pressed up against hers, for they were sitting in a very tight closet, sitting cross-legged across from each other. She shifted her weight onto her knees, moving closer to Jughead so she was hovering above him. She tilted his head up, bringing her face close to his.

"Can I kiss you?" She whispered. She wasn't one to usually ask before doing things, but she wasn't sure how well Jug would react to her surprising him with a kiss on the lips. Plus, she had no clue if he felt the same.


"Jug, can I kiss you or not?"

Their faces were still inches apart, and he could feel her breath on his face, as he could hers. His cheeks were turning red as he became incredibly flustered. He couldn't tell if this feeling was a good or bad feeling, but he didn't want it to end.

Instead of responding, he closed the gap between them, moving his lips onto hers. It was the first time he'd actually kissed a girl, except for that one peck with Betty Cooper in the third grade. This was nothing like that however, this one made him feel... happy, a feeling he hadn't felt in a while.

And so they stayed like that, making out in the janitors closet, forgetting all of the previous events and the fact that Y/n still had blood on her knuckles.

A/n: I'm only 50% sure I like this one. Anyways sorry for the slow updates, it's been a rough few weeks.

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