063. dip

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A/n: weird plot ahead- but I love it. Also... yes this was requested on new years eve... it took me a month I KNOW

Requested by BitchyUnicorn46

Y/n's pov:

Taco dip. The only real reason to go to family parties. Yes, it sounds strange, but the dip my mother makes is by far the greatest thing I've ever tasted. It's creamy and delicious, and it matches perfectly with a crispy corn chip.

Mother had given me the recipe a few years back, and me being the intelligent individual I was, decided to make it for Veronica's new years eve party. The dip was layered in a brownie pan, with ground beef, sour cream, salsa and cheese. I was an unusually picky eater as a child, yet I would eat this every time my mother made it.

That's when I knew I had to make it for new years. Veronica invited a bunch of our friends over for a small party. The main reason I wanted to make the dip was because of him. Jughead Jones, my best friend. He was the first one to befriend me when I first moved here. Since then, I began to develop a little crush... that turned into a huge crush. I knew I had no chance. He had his eyes on Betty Cooper, the perfect girl from Elm Street, and I knew I could never compare.

Nevertheless, I plastered on a smile and made my way to Veronica's. It was a 5 minute drive to The Pembrook, so I was there in no time. I entered the apartment to be greeted with the booming of music and about 50 different smells. I figured it was gonna be a small new years party, inner circle only, however it seemed I was mistaken.

I walked in carrying the tray, and Veronica immediately left where she was, dancing with Archie and Reggie, to come see me.

"Y/n/n I'm so glad you're here! And can I say you look AMAZING" She half-yelled, her words slurring together telling me she was a little tipsy. I laughed, letting her awkwardly hug me, then walking towards the table with the snacks on it.

"Y/n hey!" Jughead said, hugging me from behind, and making my stomach fill with butterflies.

"Hey Juggie" I greeted, just as friendly. He leaned up against the gray wall behind him, his arms crossed as he began complaining about having to be at this party, for he was an introvert who despised social interaction.

I zoned out a little as I stared at him, not hearing a word he'd said until,

"So, I saw you walk in with a tray... what'd you bring me?" I looked over at him to see him smirking at me, waiting for me to reveal what I'd brought him to snack on. I rolled my eyes, opening the foil on the tray.

"My mom's famous taco dip, made by moi" I said with a smile as he looked at me with wide eyes, like I'd just bought him a puppy. If Jughead Jones loved one thing most in this world, it was food. He looked at me for permission to take a bite, which I granted. I watched as he picked up a chip, covering it in the dip and bringing it to his mouth. A series of happy noises left his mouth as he waved his hand at Archie, who was standing in a corner, out of breath from dancing.

"What? What's the matter Jug?"

"Dude, you have to try this thing Y/n made" I watched as Archie tried the dip as well, his eyes lighting up as he called over Veronica, who called over Reggie. Within two minutes the dip was completely gone, devoured by the drunk and hungry teens.


We spent the next hour talking with SweetPea and Fangs, who happen to be as bored as we were. Jug had just left to grab something, though he wouldn't tell me what. He came back with a container of brownies.

"I brought brownies" He said with a proud smile, handing me one, which I heavily examined before trying it. Jughead was an awful cook, he could hardly make toast without burning it.

"You made brownies?"

"Don't sound so surprised... Well technically I paid Jellybean to bake them for me" He said with a slight blush as I took a bite of the brownie. Put in simple terms... it was awful.

"Interesting flavor" I said giving him a grossed out look.

"Fine you win, your dip was so much better. Worst 20 bucks I ever spent" He admitted with a frown.


A half hour later and it was already 11:58.Everyone was getting ready for the big countdown, crowding by the TV, which had the new years eve show playing. I felt an arm pull me in and I found myself with my body pressed up against Jughead's, his arm around me, securing me next to him.

"Five... Four... Three... Two... One..... HAPPY NEW YEAR!" The crowd screamed, while jumping around, pushing me all over the place.

I could hardly see two feet in front of me, it all became a blur of people. The one thing I could see was Jug, who pulled me closer to him, to stop me from getting thrown around.

He looked down at me, being significantly taller than me. He cupped my face in his hands, and did something I'd thought he'd only do in my dreams... he kissed me. I was beyond confused, not knowing he even thought of me like that.

"Ew gross, can you two stop embarrassing me?" I heard Veronica yell at us, proceeding to stick her tongue down Archie's throat. I laughed to myself, blushing. Drunk Veronica was by far my favorite Veronica.

"You're real cute Y/n, you know that?" He said, pulling me into a hug.

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