006. beanie twins

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A/n: Y/f/c = Your favorite color

"Jughead! Where are you taking me?" I laughed as he dragged me around, blindfolded. It was our 1 year anniversary of when we became an official couple. Though I wanted to stay in and watch movies, he insisted on surprising me.

"I can't tell you dummy, that would ruin the surprise." We walked for another minute or so before he stopped me.

"Ok, we're her" Jughead stated excitedly and removed my blindfold. We were standing in front of Pop's, the diner we go to at least twice a week. I shot him a confused look, still questioning why I just walked for 10 minutes blindfolded, in the dark.

"Just wait." He took my hand and opened the door for me. The bell on the door chimed, signaling our entrance. We were greeted by Pop Tate who told us our food would be ready in a few minutes, as soon as we entered the diner.

Pop's had been our spot since we were kids, and our orders never changed, and neither did our booth. I walked over to where we normally sit, to find a large bouquet of roses, sitting on my usual spot. I giggled and turned to Jug, who wore a sly smile.

"So you ordered our food ahead of time and got me roses? Juggie you're so sweet."

"Tell me something I don't know" I stuck my tongue out at him and began to admire the roses. A few minutes of somewhat awkward silence went by, then our food came, saving me from the uncomfortable conversation.

"Here you guys are. The usual." We started to eat, the delicious food tasting even better since I hadn't eaten all day. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Jughead looking at me.

"What?" I asked feeling like I did something wrong

"Nothing, it's just, you're so beautiful. I don't know how I got so lucky" I smiled awkwardly, this whole situation making me a tad uncomfortable. I've always had an issue with compliments, wondering why anyone would actually like me,

After we finished eating, I pulled out the present I had got for Jughead, a new journal. He lost his old one a few months ago, the one he'd had for years, always filling it with story ideas and thoughts. I'd always remember the look on his face while he was writing in there, the way his eyes sparkled when he thought of a new idea.

"I got you a gift" I announced and handed him the small book. He furrowed his eyebrows in confusion.

"I remember you losing your old one. You were so upset. You made me, Archie, and Betty look for it for hours. You were heartbroken when we couldn't find it." His face light up when the memory finally clicked. He stood up and hugged me, lifting me off the ground in pure excitement. He put me down and grabbed his bag.

"I got you something too." He dug around and pulled out a beanie, handing it to me.

"I know how you love to steal my beanie, so I got you your own. I got it in Y/f/c so we can tell them apart." It was an exact replica of Jug's infamous beanie, except it's Y/f/c. Everything from the crown-shape, to the little pins was exactly the same. I placed the beanie on my head tackled Jughead with a hug.

"Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!" I yelled, planting small kisses all over his face. He playfully wiped them off, acting as if I had cooties.

"It's getting late, I'll walk you home" He said, taking me hand.

"Thanks Pop!" I yelled as we left the diner. The chilly autumn air was a lot colder than when we left, leaving my bare arms with goosebumps. Noticing immediately, he placed his warm, leather serpent jacket, over my shoulders. We arrived in front of my house, great night coming to an end.

"Did I do ok?" He asks self-consciously.

"Are you kidding Juggie? This was the best night I've had in a long time." He smiled proudly and I continued,

"Plus now we can be beanie twins."

"What would I ever do without you Y/n?" He laughed, the romantic tension in the air growing.

"You'd probably die"

"Probably. That's why... I love you Y/n" I froze, the words echoing in my ears. I looked up at the boy I've known my whole life, into his bright green eyes, that matched his dopey smile perfectly.

"I love you too, Jug. I always have." He leaned in and our lips connected. The butterflies in my stomach did somersaults, just like our first kiss and our second kiss, and every one in-between.

As we pulled apart I hear Archie yell from the upstairs window,

"Get a room!"

A/n: That was terrible, omg what even was that

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