025. nightmares

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A/n: Aka: Home pt.2. Not really a part 2 but kinda a continuation. Idk, but I like it.

Y/n's pov:

I sit up in my bed, gasping for air as I awake from my gruesome nightmare. My bed sheets are damp from my terrified sweat. My body still shaking, I walk over to my door and open it slightly, trying to stop the creaking hinges from signaling the whole house that I'm awake. I crept to Archie's room, knowing every inch of the house by heart. I know which floorboards make noise and which corners have the weird piece of wood sticking out.

Getting to the door, I peer in making sure it's safe to enter. Jughead's asleep on his air mattress and Archie in his bed. Making my way over to Jug, I consider whether or not to wake him. Ever since we brought Jughead to live with us, he's been helping me with my anxiety nightmares a lot. He promised to be there whenever I needed someone to talk to, but still, I feel guilty about disrupting his sleep. I sit on the ground next to him and just adore the way he sleeps. No beanie, hair flowing messily in all directions, his mouth opened slightly, letting out tiny noises. The moonlight from the window highlights his features perfectly. Before I know what I'm doing, I run a hand through his hair softly. I curse under my breath, why must he be so perfect?

"Y/n? What's wrong?" He groans, a little too loudly, rubbing his eyes.

"I'm sorry. I didn't want to wake you, but it happened again." I say, not being able to meet his eyes. Even in a sleepy state, he still held his same tough look. Sitting up, he whispers,

"Wanna talk about it?" I nod and stand up, walking into the hallway with Jughead following closely. Once in the hallway, I begin to summarize the horrid dream.

"It had to do with Jason again. This time it was different though, instead of me killing him, you did. Or you were framed for it. It was so real, we were sitting in English reading some Shakespeare, when Sheriff Keller and Principal Weatherbee charge in the door and arrest you. I was terrified. I tried to help you but I couldn't. They took you to prison, where you weren't allowed visits or calls and I couldn't get to you. And to make matters worse, Jason haunted me and then someone killed me." I ramble quickly, leaving Jughead stunned to the point where he had to take a minute to process what he just heard.

"Listen, I didn't kill Jason. It was just a dream, it's ok. I'm right here, I won't let anyone separate us." He reassured me, pulling me into his chest and rubbing my back. It was late and our voices were whispers, making sure we weren't being disruptive to the peaceful sleep of everyone in the house. He pulls away from the hug, kissing my forehead lightly,

"Are you gonna be able to go back to sleep or do you want me to stay up with you?" He asked with the most caring voice I'd ever heard.

"I'll be ok. You get some sleep, sorry I woke you." He pulls me in for a final goodnight kiss. His hands cupped my cheeks as out lips pressed together. The kiss lasting longer than expected, but was full of emotion. As we pulled away, someone cleared their throat from behind us. I look into the hardly visible hallway and what was staring back at me made my face go pale.

It was my dad, standing in the hallway with crossed arms and a stern expression, watching Jughead and I kiss. We had been careful to keep our relationship hidden from my father, in fear that he wouldn't let Jughead stay here anymore. I wanted to say something but I was frozen in place, I look over to Jug who is wearing an even more terrified expression.

"Well, you guys are cute. Go to sleep." He says dryly, though I can tell he isn't mad. We both walk back to our rooms. I steal one final look at Jughead before stepping into my room, he's doing the same. My eyes drift from him to my father who is just shaking his head.

Ah, Jughead Jones. Now there's something that won't give me nightmares.

I feel like you all hate it but I actually really like this one so idc

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