004. insecurities and ice cream

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Y/n's pov:

"Hey, Y/n. Betty and I are headed to the mall to buy new swimsuits, wanna come?" I hear Veronica's voice through the phone. I internally groaned, rolling over to face my alarm clock which in bright read numbers, read out: 11: 55 am.

"Uh, no, I'm actually not feeling well. But maybe another time, sorry V" I lied, fiddling with my hoodie strings in embarrassment, as if she could read my expression through the phone. To my surprise she didn't argue, or try to convince me. She actually bought my story.

"No problem, feel better Y/n" I hung up with a sigh and made my way to the kitchen where I found Jug sitting at the table, noisily typing away, shutting his laptop when he saw me.

"Morning sleepyhead" he smirked as I sat down next to him. He put his arm around me while I lean my head against him, nuzzling into the crook of his neck.

"What do you wanna do today?" I ask, my lips humming against his skin as I spoke

"Well I was thinking we could go to pop's and get some late breakfast- or more accurately: lunch, because you slept till almost noon."


Half an hour later and we were seated in that all-too familiar booth, with burgers in our hands and ice cold milkshakes beside them. My back was towards the door as I carelessly ate my food, not listening to the other people around us, also enjoying their food. I only break my attention away from my food when I hear Jug say:

"Hey, come sit with us" I look up, thinking he was talking to me- which wouldn't make much sense since I was already sitting there- but he's looking to something- someone- behind me. I turn my head to see the iconic B and V, looking confused.

"Hey Y/n, feeling better?" Veronica asked me, genuinely concerned. I snuck a quick glance to Jug who looked like a solid mixture of concern and confusion.

"Uh, yeah. I feel fine better now."

"Sure you don't want to come to the mall with us" Betty proceeded

"Uh, I think I need a day of rest- after we finish our lunch of course"

They waved us goodbye and headed to the mall, leaving us in an uncomfortable silence. I stared at my plate, drowning one of my fries in ketchup- which I had no intention on actually eating. I wasn't sure whether or not he was upset, though to be fair, I always think he's upset with me.

"Y/n why did you lie about being sick?" he asked, not looking up. Instead, he retrieved a few bills from his pocket, placing them on the table, as a tip.

"I didn't want to go shopping with them." He accepted that as a logical excuse, taking me by the hand and walking me home, forgetting about the incident.

~A week later~

I was awoken by something hitting my face. My eyes fluttered open to see Jug's face next to mine, with a stupid smile on his face. I connected the dots, figuring it was him kissing my forehead that had woken me up.

"Morning love" He smiles, laying his head on my shoulder. I play with his hand with my left hand, as my right fumbles around trying to find my phone. The cold glass under my fingertips alerts me that I'd found it. The time read 8 o'clock, and I groaned.

"Jughead Jones it's my summer vacation- why on earth am I up at 8 am? I could have had at least two more hours of sleep.

"Today's Cheryl and Toni's 'annual summer pool party extravaganza' or whatever they're calling it this year."

"Right... I forgot about that-"


There was no real reason for him to wake me up, I still had hours to get ready. But, it all worked out, it was noon and I was ready to leave.

I did a side-turn in the mirror, making sure I looked alright. It was my usual outfit: jeans, a t-shirt, and my serpent jacket I never left the house without. I walked out of my bedroom, Jug's skeptical eyes running up and down my body.

"You know it's 95 degrees, and summertime outside right? And that's coming from me."

"I just don't want to swim today that's all." I replied defensively, crossing my arms. He just shrugged, grabbing his cooler and walking us out the door.

Jug's pov:

Something was definitely off with Y/n. We were in the middle of a heat wave and she was wearing a jacket. We were seated under the semi-cooling shade of a tree, overlooking the biggest party of the year. I watched as her eyes darted around, silently judging the people below. She felt uncomfortable, I could tell, though I couldn't figure out why.

"Hey why don't you take off the jacket at least. You look like you're gonna pass out." I said, pulling the sleeves of her jacket off her arms. I placed the back of my hand to her skin, feeling how much she was burning up.

"Y/n!" A voice called. I turned to see who it was, to see Toni standing there, in a purple and black bikini, with her arms crossed. She motioned for Y/n to come to her, and so off they went, Toni dragging her towards a nearby canopy.

Y/n's pov (again- sorry):

"What's wrong Toni?" I asked in my most innocent sounding voice, raking my hands through my hair.

"Cut the crap Y/n- we're not doing this again."

"I don't know what you're talking about" I shifted uncomfortably from one foot to the other, looking down on my shorter friend. I hadn't spoken about what had happened with anyone. Not with Toni, and especially not with Jughead.

"Hey guys, what's going on?" Jug said, approaching the two of us in concern. I shot Toni a look, a 'don't you dare' look.

"Jones there's something you need to know"

"Toni don't-" I warned, which came out as more of a plea for her to stop.

"Y/n I have to. Jughead, last summer, this was before you guys started dating. Y/n and I had gone to a summer camp together to be counselors, and Y/n decided it would be a good idea to wear pants- in the hundred degree heat. She fainted, right in the middle of the grass. And she's doing it again now! I don't want this to happen again so please talk to her-"

I looked to the ground, ashamed and embarrassed. Toni muttered a quiet 'I'm sorry' and walked off, leaving the two of us alone.

"So, care to explain whatever the hell is going on with you? What are you trying to hide?"

"I didn't want you to know. I was embarrassed, and thought I was just being dramatic." He moved towards me, rubbing my arms to try and calm me down, seeing how upset I was. "The truth is, I hate summertime. All of the girls get to show off in their skimpy clothing, and bikinis, while I don't even like wearing t-shirts. I hate showing skin, and I hate my body. That's why I keep doing this" He sighed, massaging his hands into my arms, leaning his head on the back of my shoulder.

"You shouldn't hate your body, everything about you is perfect. If and when you're ready, you shouldn't be scared to wear what you want, because if anyone says anything, they're just jealous anyways. Since when do we care what the normals think?" I giggled, as he hugged me from behind, whispering "And plus, if they say a word to you, I'll beat them up." I rolled my eyes, as he removed his hands from around my torso.

"Now, what do you say we ditch this party and go get some ice cream?" He offered, holding out his hand for me to hold.

"I'd like that"

"I'd like that"

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