Chapter 8- Cause

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Niall's POV

Li and Z had been out all day. It was making me kind of depressed, but I wasn't showing any of the other lads that I was upset. Here lately I feel as if all they've done is spend time either together or together and with Harry. Either way, they don't want me with them. Proof; they went out all day today without me....without even asking me if I wanted to come. I thought they would be back for dinner since they said they were going to go grocery shopping after lunch. We all thought that meant they would go to lunch, go shopping then come back, but it's now around eight and Harry, Lou and I all just made something for ourselves since Zayn and Liam weren't answering our calls or texts. We were sitting at the table eating when Harry's text notification went off. Harry frowned a little looking down at his phone.

"Liam finally texted. Said they went window shopping and to a movie after lunch instead of grocery shopping. And they were in the movie when we were texting them. That's why they didn't answer any of us. They wanna know if I wanna go to the bar with them when they're done with dinner, which is where they are at now."

"Oh well it's about time they answered, but I guess they couldn't have if they were in the movie. I just know that I was starting to get worried, so I know their actual boyfriend was too, right Ni?" Lou asks, making me slightly jump and focus on him and get out of my own thoughts.


"I said I was starting to worry, so I know you were, weren't you?" He repeats.

"Oh, yea. I was kind of worried. I just wanted to make sure they were ok and not hurt." I say only half lying.

"So are you going to go Haz? Ni and I can just stay here and have a quiet night in together."

"I think I might. I haven't been out with them in awhile and I haven't went to a bar in even longer. You sure you two will be ok?"

"Totally. Go. We'll be fine. Right Ni?"

"Yea. Definately. You should..go Haz." I say trying and failing to sound excited. Harry looks suspiciously at me, but I give him a smile, trying to make it look real, and he smiles back and nods.

"Alright. I guess I'll go get ready then." Harry says while standing up

Harry leaves a while later with a bye and a kiss to Lou and giving me a hug. He had finally became comfortable giving me hugs when he leaves, since I always gave him a hug when I left. Lou turns to look at me.

"What you wanna do now Ni?" He says chippery.

"Actually Louis, I think I'm just gonna go to bed."

"You ok? It's still kinda early for bed."

"Just not feeling the best. I'll be fine in the morning."

"Ok, just call for me if you need me." He says worriedly.

I head upstairs with Lou behind me. I go to mine, Liams, and Zayns room and he goes to his and Harrys. I hear the TV turn on a little bit later, and turn mine on while laying down.


Zayn's POV

Liam and I had been out all day, just having a day to ourselves. Then, we met up with Harry at the bar and Li and I got piss drunk. Harry had a beer, then switched to pop saying he would drive us home and he wasn't in the drinking mood, just wanted to have some fun out. Now we had just walked in the door at home. Liam was attempting to take off his shoes, but he couldn't. Instead he plops down on his butt, and pulls his shoes off.

"Liiiiiii, mine tooo." I whine at him. I really didn't feel like putting forth the effort to take them off myself. We finally get our coats and shoes off and get upstairs to our bed. Liam and I both strip down to our boxers, and get under the cover. He gives me a goodnight kiss and i grab the back of his head to prolong it. We kiss for a minute and I moan into his mouth.

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