Chapter Three- Larry

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Harry's POV

After Lou and I left Zayns', we decided to go get some dessert. After a long ten minute discussion on what to get and where to go to get it, we decided on Sweet Frog. "What kind are you getting love?" i asked Lou while getting the cake batter and strawberry mix.

"I think i'm going to get cookies and cream. With a bunch of oreo's on top and brownies and cookie pieces and peanut butter and chocolate sauce and gummy bears and sour patch kids and-"

"Lou. Slow down and take a breath. The cup is only so big and if you get alot of fro-yo you can't get all those toppings, but if you get all those toppings, then you won't have alot of fro-yo. You're going to have to compromise somewhere love."

"ugggghhhh....I guess I don't need ALL those toppings. Even if they do sound really good." Mumbling the last part under his breath.

Hating seeing him so sad without the shine in his eye, I come up with an idea to try to make him smile again. "How 'bout I get some of the toppings and you can just steal them off of mine?"

"REALLY?!?! Aww, Hazzy you would do that for me?? This is why I love you!"

"You're using me for my fro-yo toppings?! That's why you love me?! That's not nice Lou Lou...." Acting upset even though I know he's just kidding.

"Hazza, don't be sad. You know I would love you even without your fro-yo accessories. I love you babe. Thanks for getting me some yummies." Louis says, while laying his head on my shoulder, nudging it like a cat.

"Love you too Boo. You're welcome." We take our goody covered fro-yo to the counter and pay for it before sitting at one of the tables to enjoy our dessert. Lou immediately dug his spoon into my bowl before I could even get a small bite. He took all of his gummy bears and sour patch kids quicker than I've seen Niall eat a piece of pizza. I started chuckling at his actions and he looks at me and raises his eyebrow. "What H?" He asks while his mouth is full of gummy remains.

"Ew. Lou chew and swallow. Chew and swallow. I tell you this all the time, why have you not figured out how to eat yet?"

"You want me to swallow, Styles" Louis smirks. I almost choke on my frozen delight hearing that in the middle of public. "You wanna go home and make me swallow Harry?"

I start coughing and gasping in surprise at his confidence. Lou starts laughing at my reaction, rubbing my back to help my breathing. "No. Lou. I dont. What was that about?"

"Just thought it would be fun to see how flustered I could get you. Apparently the answer is very. Haz you know I'm just kidding....though it would be alot of fun, I guess I'll have to wait." I start chuckling at his response and go back to finishing my yogurt. We don't get the chance to do this all that often with school and work. Plus we try to save as much money as we can for rent and for after college. We throw our empty bowls away and walk back outside to go home. On the walk back I can't help but think of how Lou and I met each other.

"Harry, this is Louis. He's minoring in music and is in another couple of my classes also." My friend Ashton introduced, standing in front of me with possibly the most beautiful man-boy I've ever seen. Obviously he was old enough to be in college, but his body was so small and fragile looking he reminded me of a boy. He had golden fringe and compelling blue eyes that made you want to keep looking in them just to see if they always stayed that color. They looked far to pretty to be a real eye color, but it didn't look like he had contacts in either. His body was quite small, but you could clearly see muscle definition all throughout his arms. He really was quite beautiful. Ashton walked away to go talk to his friend Luke, while I stood there and gawked at the sculpture in front of me. When he got there he said something to Luke, then they both turned to look at us. I gave Ashton a confused look, but he just smirked and started talking to Luke. Looking back I can now see that he was trying to hook us up, but at the time I just thought he was acting strange. It wasn't like I could concentrate on Ashton anyways, with this God-like creature in front of me.

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