Chapter 19- More Surprises!!

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Louis' POV

"Well congrats it's a...."

"GIRL!!" Dr. Carter said.

Niall and I burst out full on sobbing, Liam had tears dripping down his face, and Harry had tears in his eyes trying now to let them spill over. Zayn just looked super happy with the biggest grin on his face. Dr. Carter wiped off Niall's stomach and left quietly to give us a couple minutes together. Niall and I were still bawling and Harry wrapped me in his arms and Liam grabbed Niall. Zayn just sat there still staring at the black sonogram screen smiling.

"You ok babe?" Liam whispered to him.

"A girl....what are we going to do with a girl??" Zayn said. His smile slowly slipping into a worried, frightened expression. Zayn started getting tears in his eyes, but I don't think it was from happiness.

"We're going to spoil her and treat her like a princess." Harry said.

"Might have to change my nickname...." I whispered to Harry.

"Maybe. Maybe we'll just stick with it and only call her princess sometimes. We still got awhile." Harry whispered back.

"A girl.." Zayn said again through his tears. "How are five guys supposed to raise a GIRL?!" Zayn started sobbing, making Niall get up to comfort him.

"hey..hey babe. calm down. It'll be fine. We'll work through it and figure it out. All of you have sisters that we can ask for help and all of our mothers will help too. We're not alone in this love. We have loads of support and we can do this." Niall reminded him.

"But she'll be the only girl." Zayn said quietly.

"We don't know that yet. Lou could still have a girl." Liam informed him. Zayn calmed down and Dr. Carter came back in a couple minutes later and gave us the pictures of our little girl and then it was my turn.

"Well Mr. Tomlinson, we can't find out what you are having just yet, but-oh my gosh-" Dr. Carter said gasping.

"What? What is it? Is he ok?" Harry asked starting to freak out.

"Yes, yes everything looks fine. Sorry to worry you, but it seems we overlooked something in the past ultrasounds."

"What did you miss. Are my babies ok?" I asked scared now.

"They're fine Louis. We just extra baby...." the doctor said quieter.

"AN EXTRA BABY?!?!" Zayn yelled. "How do you miss a baby?!" He apparently got over his sadness really fast.

"Well it's hiding behind the other two and it's a little smaller than them. With you having twins you should be heavier than you are now, but especially with triplets. You should be another ten pounds heavier at least, with three babies."

"Am I hurting them?" I asked worried.

"Not right now, but in the long run, the babies could be born with comlications, or you could lose one from not getting enough nutrients. I need you boys to make sure he eats more than he is. Not junk food or anything, make sure he sticks with healthier food, just eating more times a day."

"I'll make sure he does Sir." Harry said enthusiastically. Harry had a huge smile on his face. "I'll make him snacks for work and when we're home."

"Ok. Well besides that I think everything is just fine. Next month we'll be able to see what the babies are, since it's too early to be positive right now. Make sure you eat more Mr. Tomlinson. I want to see your weight up at least fifteen pounds by next month. You'll still be a little small, but if you work on it little by little each month you should be just fine."

"Thank you Dr. Carter" Liam said.

"No problem son. I don't believe I've met you or the darker haired one yet though."

"I'm Liam. And the darker haired on is Zayn."

"Are you friends of Mr. Tomlinson, Horan and Styles here?"

"Not exactly....we're kind of all in a relationship together. "

"The five of you? Together?"

"Yes Sir." Zayn said.

"Well congrats to you all i guess." Dr. Carter said with a smile.

"Thank you." We all chorused


Harry's POV

When we got home I immediately went into the kitchen and started lunch. I made sandwiches for everybody. I made sure to give Louis and extra sandwhich so that he can start gaining something. The boys came in when I called to them that lunch was ready.

"Soooo....three babies Lou." Zayn started the conversation we were all wanting to have.

"Yea....I don't know." Louis whispered.

"I think it's great!" I said excitedly again. I was super excited for an extra baby. I don't know about the others, but I love babies.

"I feel like my news kinda one upped Nialls though. So can we celebrate having a girl instead of me having triplets. I don't want Niall to feel like I'm more important. Lets' celebrate him and our little girl tonight and talk about me tomorrow..or next week."

Everyone looked at Niall to see him looking down at the table.

"You okay Ni? You didn't say anything at the doctors when we found out, and you haven't said anything here yet either." Liam asked starting to get a little worried about him.

"Yea..i mean..Louis' kind of right. You guys did just go off about him having three babies, and forgot that we found out today that we're having a baby girl. I just want you to notice me too." Niall said sadly, whispering.

"Awww. Baby..we do notice you. Another baby just surprised us. I promise you we are SOOOOO excited for a girl. I cant wait to go get dresses and hair bands and girly things." Liam comforted him.

"Baby we're so happy that you're giving us a girl. We are going to spoil her like no other!" Zayn said getting up to give him a hug. Niall kept pouting. I hadn't realized that we had hurt his feelings that badly. Zayn pulled Niall out of his chair and sat Niall on his lap instead, finishing lunch that way.

"Is everybody full?" Liam asked around the table. Niall, Zayn and I all said yes. Louis didn't say anything and just looked down looking like he was contimplating something.

"Are you still hungry Louis? I can make you some more sandwiches." I told him. 

" It's ok. I can just wait until dinner." He said quietly.

"Lou. The doctor said you need to gain some more weight. To do that you have to eat more. Please baby. If you're still hungry, please eat some more? I will make you whatever you want. Tell me what our babies want and I will make sure they get it." I pleaded with him.

"Well....they could definately go for a warm peanut butter and jelly sandwich. It sounds really yummy with gooey peanut butter."

"ughhhhh..i wish I was still hungry. That sounds amazing, but I'm so full." Niall groaned.

"Ok baby. I'll grill it in a pan so its gooey for you love." I happily told him.

"Harry in case you forgot, my nickname is princess. Not baby or love." Louis told me sassily.

"I just like to call you whatever comes to mind. Nice to see you haven't lost your sassiness during the pregnancy." I tell him smartly back.


sorryits a bit shorter. hopet his wasn't too bad. Thank for the almost 150 reads

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