Chapter 14- The day after

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So I thought i was gonna get 100 reads before this chapter, because I'm at 96. But it HAS only been up for like 3 hopefully I will by the end of the night or in the morning. Hope you liked the last's to the next!!


Harry's POV

The next morning I was the first to wake up for once. I looked at the clock and it was already 9:30. Usually Li is awake, because he hates sleeping in this late, so I wrap my arm around him tighter to try to silently wake him without waking the others. Liam's breathing hitched making me aware that he was awake. He turned in his spot, trying not to make too much movement, and winces. When he gets to facing me, I give him a closed mouth kiss so he doesn't have to deal with my morning breath. He leans toward my ear.

"Will you carry me?" He asks almost silently. I shake my head yes and look at him confused. I wanted to know where he wanted to go. "To the bathroom maybe so I can pee and brush my teeth." I shake my head yes again and get up. I pull Liam over towards the edge of the bed and pick him up and he winces again. I lean him towards me closer.

"I'm sorry. Are you ok?" I ask him worried. Liam isn't one to show pain and here he was wincing at almost every movement. It made me kind of nervous. We got into the bathroom and I sat him down by the toilet so he could go. I moved to the sink so I could brush my teeth.

"Yea. I'm fine....just a little sore. How are you?" He asks me.

"Fine. but I was the only one that didn't get a dick shoved up their ass." I say while chuckling a bit making Liam laugh a little.

"Very true. But I'm fine. Thanks for asking though."

"No problem. I love you Li."

"Love you too." He says, then starts to brush his teeth as I finish rinsing my mouth out. He brushed his teeth and I carried him into the living room. I layed him on the couch and layed beside him. He turned on the TV and we watched a bit. About twenty minutes after he had turned on the TV, I felt my phone, that I had grabbed off the night stand earlier, vibrate. I looked at the text on it and saw it was from Niall.

From Baby

Hazzy....can you come get Lou and I from bed????  We're awake and our asses hurt.

Trust him to be so blunt about the pain. I get up after telling Liam where I'm going, and go to get my boyfriends. When I get in the room I see Louis on top of Niall with his tongue down Niall's throat....guess he doesn't care about morning breath. I think to myself. I walk to the bed and tap Lou's shoulder looking at him expectantly. He looks abashedly at me and climbs over to me. I bend down and pick him up and he kisses me hard on the mouth. I carry him into the bathroom and tell him to brush his teeth. I walk away as he looks at me embarassed. I walk back to pick Niall up and he kisses me the same as Lou did. So I do the same with him and carry him into the bathroom to brush his teeth. Louis is done first, since he was the first in there, so I carry him into the living room to sit with Liam, and go back for Ni. I pick up Niall and carry him in he living room and put him down by the recliner. I sit in the recliner and pull him on my lap.

"How you two feeling?" I ask them.

"Sore" They both answered together, making all four of us laugh. We start watching TV and Niall starts wiggling on my lap.

"Baby, what are you doing? Are you hurting sitting like this?" I ask him. Lou looks over and starts laughing. "Why are you laughing Lou? Him being in pain is not funny."

"He's in pain alright Haz....but it's not his butt that's hurting." Louis snickers.

"Shut up Louis!" Niall yells at him. Louis just laughs harder and Liam starts laughing noticing what was wrong

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