Chapter One

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I jolted awake when I heard the blaring sound of my alarm clock, “Why in Salazar’s grave did I set my alarm so early?!” I annoyingly asked to no one in particular, and hit my alarm off. I could feel my eyelids close, with a tired smile, I was about to welcome sleep with open arms, feeling my body hit the soft mattress, when my second alarm suddenly went off.

I hit my second alarm off, and with a scowl on my face, I begrudgingly got up and grabbed a random towel that I had left hanging on the back of my chair, then walked towards the bathroom, not before checking if I had set a third alarm.


After taking a shower, I started walking around my room with a towel wrapped around my body while I try to search for my contacts to help me see the color of my surroundings. After picking up what seemed like the container of my contacts, I placed them on while I was standing in front of my full-length mirror.

Grabbing my clothes, I quickly changed into them. I was wearing a pair of military green pants, a black sleeveless shirt with a camouflage jacket on top that I always loved. Reminding me of my mother who was somewhere in Afghanistan, protecting our country, while my father was here, protecting me and making sure that I’m still fine every time I come home, and tell them that I don’t know my soulmate’s name and that I haven’t met them. As always, every time I tell them that neither of the two had happened, they become worried.

I went back to my bathroom to put on a little bit of makeup, then fixed my hair, putting it in a tight ponytail, and after that, I went downstairs and made my way to the kitchen, where I found my father making a stack of pancakes, and bacon.

A thought had passed my mind as I took a seat in front of the counter. I glanced at my father who was now busy making coffee for him and tea for me. “Dad…” I called, not sure if I wanted to ask him this, “Hmm,” then he glanced towards me, “What is it Ainsley?” He asked, turning back towards the drinks, which he was now carrying towards me.

“What if my soulmate is in another Universe?” I thoughtlessly asked what had been bothering me since my conversation with Collin last night.

“You mean, like, Dream Link?”

“Yeah, like Dream Link.”

“There’s no real report about having a soulmate from a different Universe.” He explained.

“Either that, or my soulmate has a different soulmate.” I said, stabbing my stack of pancakes which was now half-finished while I sipped my tea, “He could have not been born, or he might have died before I was even born.” I added with a scowl on my face, once again.


“I mean, there are ten Universes that we know, well, not counting the Eleventh and Twelfth Universe because they’re connected to each other for a reason.” I explained, “I understand, Dad. Maybe he wasn’t born in this Universe.” I begrudgingly got up from my seat and tried to excuse myself.

“You know that it’s impossible. Like you said, Hide and Seek, and Lost Ones are the only Universes that are connected.”

“If my soulmate happens to be in a different Universe, don’t go saying something against your words.” I snapped, then turned my back towards him, and walked towards the front door, grabbing my bag, and walked out of the house.

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