Chapter Seven

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I could feel that my body was floating in space, it felt really light as if gravity didn't exist wherever I am right now. I opened my eyes only to be met by darkness, there was nothing but darkness, I started feeling scared, thinking that I was already dead, when suddenly, I heard a voice, "Ainsley, why did you do it? You know the rules and you broke it."

I opened my mouth to speak, but I couldn't make any single sound. I looked up to where I think the voice came from, and gave them a confused look, "It looks like the events had taken a toll on you, which rendered you voiceless. This might help." Then my surroundings became a bit brighter, letting the stars shine around us, it was as if I was in outer space.

I opened my mouth once again, feeling an urge to speak, and my voice didn't fail me this time, "I had to, she was talking down on him." I answered.

"But you had no right to intervene, child."

"What was I supposed to do?! Listen to her while she talked that way to him, as if he isn't a person, as if he isn't capable of feeling anything?! Was I supposed to stand there and watch him listen to her, he wasn't helpless, but he needed someone to stand up for him, and it was my duty to do so, as his soulmate!" I retorted.

"You do know that you aren't his original soulmate, right?" The voice reminded.

Their words were like a stab to me, it was true that I'm not his original soulmate but it still hurts, "I know that. You don't need to remind me." I mumbled, loud enough for the voice to hear, "Who are you? And why don't I have a soulmate?" I asked.

"My name is Ellie, and I'm the watcher of this vast space. I am the one who judges if you deserve a second life or if you need to be terminated. My sister Elle, is the one who terminates a life." She explained who she is, "You were supposed to have a soulmate of your own." Ellie started.

"But his mother died before she and her soulmate could even be married." Elle finished.

Wait, so my assumption that my soulmate was never born, had been right... "No, that's impossible!" I shouted, my voice cracking from the emotion that I was holding.

"I'm sorry, child, but it's the truth. You don't have a soulmate." Ellie answered.

No, it can't be. I don't want to be the only person that didn't have a soulmate, I can't be a disappointment. My parents had sacrificed everything for me. "My parents!" I immediately voiced out, remembering what my parents might be feeling right now, that their only child has gone missing, or worse, dead.

"What about them?" Elle asked curiously.

"I can't leave them." I honestly said.

"Very well, it had already been decided. You defended someone that wasn't your original soulmate. You made a little girl happy. You had sacrificed your life for someone that wasn't rightfully yours-"

"I think, she gets the picture now, sister. You don't have to remind her, and stab her with your words." Elle intervened, stopping her sister.

"I apologize. We will allow you to live, until the time has come for the Fates to decide whether to save you or save the other one. All your memories of him, and his friends will be erased, as well as the memories and events that had occurred that connects you to the boy." Ellie explained.

"I accept." Then my eyelids started becoming heavy, and I was slowly falling asleep. What I didn't know was that, it would only be me that would forget all the memories of the recent events.

"Poor soul, may she live and replace the other one."

"It isn't our right to decide."

"Well, the Fates had gone against the other one, and they better save this one. I like her."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2022 ⏰

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