Chapter Three

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It had been three days since that incident happened, three days since I took his dog in, and three damn days since I’ve been questioned by my family and friends, as to where I got Prince. “Where did you get the money to buy the dog?” My Dad asked.

“For the umpteenth time, Dad, I only used a thousand dollars to buy myself the Universal Phone.” I said with a sigh, then I realized that I can call the owner of the dog. “You know, I’ll just call him to confirm it. So, you can stop asking me where I got the money for Prince.”

“Go ahead.” He challenged, making me smirk and grab my U-Phone to call…what’s his name again? Placing it on speaker.

“You have connected to the Ninth Universe; you can now access any information from this Universe.” The sound of the automated voice came up, making my father look at me as if I was a deranged lunatic, then there was a beep, indicating that someone had answered the call. “Drake Coleman speaking.”

“Ainsley Davis.” I introduced.

“Can I see my Prince?” He asked, then added, “Oh, wait, we don’t have that feature yet. I’m sorry, I just miss my fur baby.”

When I glanced at my Dad, he looked surprised at the revelation that I didn’t buy Prince, “I know how you feel, and I don’t even have a fur baby myself, but my Dad had made an assumption that I bought Prince, so I called you.” I admitted, then I heard him chuckle, it was the most relaxing sound that I’ve ever heard, making me sigh in contentment, “I’m a bit curious though,” I started, after I got my senses back from the sound of his relaxing chuckle, “how was Prince able to travel from one Universe to another?”

“Now that you mentioned it, I’m having the same question.” He admitted, when suddenly, Prince started scratching my leg, “Prince, stop scratching me, will you.” I pleaded, making him whine, so I scooped him up with my left arm, then turned to glance towards my Dad—or where he was supposed to be standing before he left.

“I think Prince heard your voice.” I said, giving the pup a kiss on his forehead.

“I miss him.” The tone of his voice was sad and heavy, and it wasn’t hard to miss the sigh of longingness that he just gave out.

“He misses you too.” Then a bark was followed, confirming the words that I just said as the truth, “I told you.” Making him chuckle, the sound doing the same thing it did to me earlier, making me sigh in contentment, and making my heart beat fast, that it was starting to ache.

I was brought back to the present situation when I heard my father’s footsteps against the granite floor, “I found something in one of your mother’s belongings.” He started once he was able to occupy the empty seat on the sofa, patting the space next to him, for me to occupy. “It tells a story of a young woman, who got a call from a stranger, telling her that they found her cat, but the thing is, she didn’t own a cat.” The start was the same as how I got Prince, “She posted a missing cat poster all over town, and posted the same missing cat poster on her social media accounts, while she was waiting for someone to reach out to her about the missing cat, she had taken care of it, as if it was hers. Then a month had passed, but no one was looking for the missing cat, and it was only then that she decided to find a way to communicate to the other Universe.” Dad continued, then I looked at my phone to see that he hasn’t disconnected just yet. “Then she found the Universal Phone—”

“Prince, be quiet.” Drake ordered, when the pup barked.

“—and she was able to call the cat’s owner. A year had passed and they slowly realized that they were each other’s soulmate, but unfortunately, the young woman died.” He finished.

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