Chapter Four

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I could hear people talking somewhere near me, and it was in a language that I was half familiar with. Every word they were saying was hazy except for the few words that was loud enough for me to hear until, “Verdammte Scheiße!” One of the guys cursed.

“Cursing isn’t going to help the situation.” I groaned, making them turn towards me with a surprised look, “Oh, don’t look so surprised.” I said dismissively.

“How did you—”

“Understand what that meant?” I asked, raising my right eyebrow. They answered with a nod, “I’m trying to learn Russian.” I said, giving them my full attention, to see that they were looking weirdly at me, then I sighed, “What were you talking about earlier that made him react the way he did?” Gesturing towards Drake.

“About that…” Xavier dragged, then Zion stretched his arm towards me, gesturing for me to take his phone from his hand, and with a questioning look his way, I grabbed it, and stared at the screen.

“There are two Ainsley in this Universe. One is you, and the other is Ainsley Sophia Gregory.” Zion explained, while I kept on staring at the phone screen.

“That means, I’m not supposed to be here.” I said sadly, looking at the three guys in front of me.

“Originally, yes.” Xavier answered, “But you’re here, that means that the Ainsley in this Universe is going to cease to exist.” He added.

Suddenly, something changed, “I’m not your soulmate.” I admitted.

“What are you saying?! Of course, you are!” Drake opposed.

“See for yourself.” I suggested.

“No, you’re just lying!” His voice cracked, he looked like he just got betrayed.

“Wish I was.” He looked skeptical, but I just gave him a sad smile, letting him know that I wasn’t lying.

Closing his eyes, he started pulling and gathering the strings in front of him, until he turned his head towards the door, “What in the world…?” He asked, opening his eyes.

“Just like before, I don’t have a soulmate.” I confessed, looking down at my hands which were resting on my lap.

“How did you know?” He asked.

“I can’t see colors anymore.”

“You’re from the Colorless Universe?” Zion asked, making me give him a sad smile, then I returned the phone that I was holding.

“I want to go home.” I pleaded, making them look at me sadly.

“We’ll find a way.” Zion comforted.

“Bloody hell?!” I screamed making the guys flinch.

“What’s wrong?” Xavier asked.

“Drake, check the strings.” I ordered, making him do what I asked without any questions.

“Verdammte Scheiße!” He cursed, opening his eyes.

“Yeah,” I agreed, “Shit!” Making us all groan at what was happening.


Both Xavier and Drake went out of the condo, wanting to find out who his real soulmate is, because, sadly, I couldn’t see any colors anymore. “Eyns—”

“It’s Kenzie, we don’t want anyone to know who I am.” I corrected.

“Got it. I think there’s an explanation why you don’t have a soulmate while growing up, no offense.” Zion added quickly, looking up from the book that he’s reading, and glanced at me.

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