Chapter Five

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We were walking towards the Hospital that was located in front of the Park, which gave all four boys the much-needed time to question my sanity all over again, “For the umpteenth, I know what I’m doing.” I argued.

“What about your parents?” Riley asked, making me pause, and making the other three to stop as well.

“If anything happens, call my Dad.” I said, fishing my phone out of my pocket and placed it on Drake’s hand, then I continued walking, pushing the fear of dying to the back of my mind.

I wanted to turn around, and run back to the boys’ condo, but I’ve already set my mind into doing this, and not even the fear of leaving my parents can stop me, besides it was already too late, we were now standing in front of the information desk. “Which room is Ainsley Sophia Gregory?” Xavier asked while my back was turned towards the woman.

“What’s your relationship with her?” The Nurse asked.

“She’s my soulmate.” Hearing him admit that she was—is—his soulmate, made me flinch. That word just made me realize what I needed to do here, when I saw a wee girl drop her stuffed bear, I quickly picked it up and called the child, “Oi, lassie!” You dropped your bear!” The child turned and saw what I was holding. She run up to me, and politely reached for the bear, “Are you Merida?” She asked, making me chuckle.

I crouched down to reach her height, and said, “No honey, I’m not.” Then she gave me a questioning look, “But, you have red hair!” She argued, while she pointed at my strawberry blonde hair, making me chuckle.

“I’ll be your Merida if you want lassie.” I said, smiling.

“Really? Will you be my mommy as well?” She questioned, making me look up at the woman staring at us while we were talking.

“She’s an orphan.” She answered my unasked question, then I looked back at the little girl, and said, “If we meet again, then I will.” I promised.

After I said that, she hugged me, “I love you.” She beamed and jumped happily towards the woman waiting for her.

I could feel the tears threatening to fall from my eyes, “I love you too.” I whispered, then I felt a hand on my shoulder, “Lets go, I need to settle this once and for all.” I said, getting up and walk towards whatever room that she was in.


“What room is she in?” I asked, putting on my facemask and a non-prescription glass, then Riley passed me a beanie to somehow make me unrecognizable.

“She’s in room 6B.” Xavier answered, while I was dividing my hair into two and pulling to the front, “Where is that exactly?” I asked, quickly glancing towards him.

“Second floor, and that’s the floor we’re in.” Drake responded, while I was now twirling my hair to get loose curls—well, as loose as it can get.

“Why’d you promised to adopt that girl?” Zion asked, making me sigh.

I paused, glancing towards them, “I won’t be seeing her after this if something bad ever happens to me, and you all know that.” I said.

“So, you’re going to get her hopes up?” Riley asked without any kind of hesitation.

I looked towards him with a smile, I looked back to the front and continued walking, “She’ll forget me, and if she doesn’t? Then take her under your wing, tell her weird stories about me. About her Merida.” I mumbled, but loud enough for them to hear.

I no longer wanted to dwell on something that I might not live to see, it would only trigger unwanted tears that wouldn’t help with the situation that I am about to get myself in. Walking in uncomfortable silence, because they knew what might happen and they haven’t been able to persuade me to change my mind, making me finally assume that they concluded that I finally lost my marbles, and that thought alone, made me smile.

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