Chapter Six

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Before she could disappear, she turned towards me and said, “I love you, let’s meet again.” I tried to reach her—although we were only a few steps apart from each other—but I wasn’t able to make it. All I could do was drop to my knees, and cry for her to come back. I wanted to hug her, and see her, but all she left me was a sad smile on that beautiful face of hers before she disappeared.

Someone chose that moment to scream, snapping me back to reality. I looked up to see the girl on the bed, screaming her lungs out, probably alerting the Nurses walking by the hallways outside her room. “Shut up!” I snapped, “Because of you she disappeared!” I blamed her. She deserved the blame, because of her my beautiful soulmate is gone. Then Nurses came barging in the room along with a Doctor, then we were being ushered out.

“I swear on Salazar’s grave, the only thing that the girl on that stupid hospital bed has brought upon us, is trouble and misfortune.” I mumbled.

“Drake, you need to know that it was Kenzie’s choice. She knew the consequences, we told her what was going to happen, we tried to stop her, but she still pushed through.” Zion explained.

“What I don’t understand is, why did she disappear?” Riley questioned, confusing us in the process.

“What?” I asked.

“What I’m saying is that, she disappeared when she was supposed to die.” Riley explained in a low voice, to avoid letting anyone else outside the group to hear us.

“Can we just drop the conversation? It isn’t helping us in any kind of way, besides this isn’t even the right place to have it as well.” I pleaded.

The fact that we were just fine earlier, before she decided to go and meet that stupid, selfish version of her in this Universe. Suddenly the familiar tune of Beautiful Scars by Maximillian started playing, I fished out the phone that was vibrating in my pocket. “How is it that you still have her phone?” Xavier asked.

I was astonished to see that it was indeed her phone, the call suddenly ended before I could even process who it was trying to contact her. Then I saw her screensaver, it was her, smiling. A smile that reached her eyes, a smile that doesn’t seem so problematic. “If you have her phone, then maybe, we can take pictures of us, and we’ll have more memories that’ll remind us of her.” Riley suggested.

“Let’s get back to the condo, then we’ll take pictures.” Zion offered, making us all laugh.


When we reached the condo, a phone started ringing, making us all look at each other. “Okay, whose phone is that?” Zion asked, annoyed that we all have similar ringtones.

“That’s mine, sorry about that.” Riley sheepishly apologized, fishing out his phone from his pocket.

“Do you think there’s a theory about what happened to Kenz?” Zion inquired.

“There might be…” Xavier answered, unsure if what he’s saying is true. Then I turned towards Riley—or where he was supposed to be standing a few minutes ago, “Riley!” I called.

Then I heard a distant voice, “Mom, can you hold on for a second? Thanks.” Then he shouted, “What do you want Drake?!” Then I heard footsteps approaching the living room.

“Does your Mom know anything about what happened earlier? Like a theory or something?” I asked, once Riley showed up in front of us.

Nodding, he brought his phone back to his ear, and asked, “Mom, I can’t go home tonight. You remember Drake, well, unexpectedly he has two soulmates. You know Sophia, the girl who kept flirting with me because I’m a half, well, she was Xav’s ex-girlfriend. Sophia’s in the hospital because she got in a car accident, while trying to think of ways on how to get rid of Drake, then there’s this girl from the Sixth, her name is Ainsley McKenzie Davis, and she’s Drake’s other soulmate. Earlier, when she found out that Sophia wanted Drake out of the picture, Kenzie decided that she wanted to visit Sophia.” He explained the first half, “Hold on, I’m going to put you on loudspeaker.” He said, bringing the phone away from his ear and tapped the speaker.

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