chapter 3

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thanks for fanning and reading my story! i love you guys!!! it means so much to me, it brightened my day when i saw that! sorry i havnt posted in a lil while, i have been busy with school and work and family drama. ahhh!  and i know that i told you that this was going to be the party scence but it has to lead up to it, im sorry!


   On my way home i played through the day and what happened. It seems like he was on my mind throughout the day. It was bugging the hell out of me because i didnt want to feel this way about him or anyone else for that matter. I had gotton hurt in the past while trying to date guys at school and while being an army brat, it just never works out for me because they always cheat or cant handle the long distance. So i just stopped dating all together a couple years ago, and just let guys walk past me and ignored them. But Tom seems to be different, or so he says. 

  While on the way home, i decided to get my hair dyed for the party. Nothing to serious or out ragious well maybe just a little. I pulled into the parking lot and got out of my car and walked inside. I told the hair dresser that i wanted my hair to be blonde blonde, and black in the back. She just nodded and rinsed my hair and while she was shampooing i started to thinking about Tom and what might happen at the party. I cant believe im thinking about this and him again! ugh! i dislike myself sometimes. When she was done with my hair in the sink i moved to her chair and she began to dye my hair. I then started to think about what i should wear to the party and decided to go shopping when im done here. I then started to drift off into sleep with everything running through my mind about the day and then this evening.

When i awoke, the hair dresser was just finishing my hair and said, "well its nice to see you awake again." She then chuckled and finished styling my hair and when i looked at the mirror i couldnt believe it was me. It looked like me but then it didnt. She did an awesome job on my hair alright. I loved it. The blonde and black looked beautiful together with my facial features and my complection. My hair just flowed down my shoulders with little waves that she added while styling it. I smiles up at her and said, "thank you so much! my hair is amazing and i love it." She smiles at me and nodded and finished and walked away. She was nice; i got up out of the chair and payed for my hair and walked out. I went to my car and drove off to the closest mall. Which would be awesome if it wasnt around a half hour away, but i needed new clothes. 

  I got to the mall and i thought i saw Tom walking in with his friends, but i was driving and it could have been some one else instead of him. Im losing it if i think im seeing him now. I get out of my car after parking it and head in and go to DEBS, its my favorite store, i start looking at the shirts that i should either get for the party or just for school or going out with my non exsistent friends. I dont want to depress myself over my own actions. I kept on looking at clothes and found some shirts that a couple pair of paints, skirts and a few shorts. I found the outfit i was going to wear tonight which is, a red halter top with a low V-neck that has lace around it. I was going to wear long dark blue pants with a few tears in them in and black stilletoues. I bought my clothes and started to walk around the mall, and BAM! There was Tom and his friends walking into Pac Sun. Crap. I didnt want to deal with him.. but i did kind of wanted to see him.  So i walked in behind them and hid in a cornor and started to look at clothes while they were down at the end of the store looking at shoes and clothes. I feel like a stalker now, great... Im boy crazy and a stalker lovely! As i was thinking this there was a tap on my shoulder and a jumped. I heard a chuckle from behind me and turned around and looked into Tom's eyes. Shit, he found me. "So are you stalking me?" he said blantly. My mouth dropped at what he said as if he knew what i was thinking. I stuttered and seemed i couldnt get the words out of my mouth, "u-uh.... n-n-n-noo-noo...". Was all i could say and he smiled at my stupidity. "I find it cute that you play hard to get when i know you really like me, as much as i like you." I was about to say somethingh when he cut me off and i glared at him while he spoke, "I was thinking, since were practically dating now and were so in love, that i should take you on a date tonight before the party ok?" I was sooooooooooooooooo not expecting that! I mean come on! I knew he liked me, or was just the player type and i was going to be the next girl that he wanted to be with, but going on a date? My mouth re dropped open and he slowly put his hand to the bottom of my jaw and picked my mouth up off the ground and said sweetly, "babe, if you keep that up your beautful mouth will start to catch flys."  He then leaned in and gave me a peck on the lips and when he did that, something in me lit up like a fire cracker. Like i wanted more then just that little peck that he gave me, there was something between us that i didnt know about. Appearently neither did he, and he looked just as shocked as i did. It kind of seemed he wanted to lean in again and kiss me for real, but stepped back and was thinking things over. I seriously was confused about EVERYTHING now, i mean what the hell is going on with him and me? "Since when are we dating?" I finally blurted out, he seemed to snap out of what ever he was in and said, "since you decided to follow me in here, and when i kissed you it was official." Ok, if he wanted to play that game then here, "so if thats how it goes, then here." I walked over to him and kissed his lips and that shock that went through us before was back again and this time stayed. He kissed me back, more passtionatly then i have ever been kissed before and i went along with it. Next thing i knew, i was in a bathroom stall making out with the kid. How i got there i dont know.

   Im panting heavily and running my hair through his hair, while he is rubbing my sides and lower back when i realize what was going on. I stopped in the middle of the make out session and just dropped my arms and walked out of the stall. I walked to the mirror and fixed my newly done hair and rearranged my clothing that was all over the place. He seemed shocked at what just happened and slowly walked out to where i was and sat down on one of the sinks. "Are you ok? Was i going to fast? Im sorry if i did something." He said while looking into my eyes, he seemed hurt and i didnt want to see him hurt but im not ready for this, and especially in the mall bathroom for heavens sake. I just looked up at him and then back down, i stayed like that for a good minute or two then looked back up at him and said, "Im sorry, its not you im just not ready for any of this." When i said that i waved my hand around the room, as if to say between me and you and everything else thats going on. I then continued, "Its not you, ok? Trust me on that. Its just there is something between me and you that im not sure about, like that spark, and dont deny not feeling it because i know you felt it too." I looked serious when i said the last bit, and i knew he it. After a few minutes of silence he spoke up, "I cant say on what just happened, well at least just not yet because im not sure myself. But i have a theory, it could mean were destined to be together because i know you like me just as much as i like you. please just stay with me and still go out with me tonight and we can both figure this crazy situation out, ok?" It seemed as thought he was begging me to stay with him, as if he knew i was going to bolt for that bathroom door any second and not look back. He was holding my hands when he said what he needed to say, but i dropped them and just looked into his eyes and slowly walked out of the bathroom. I didnt need to look back to know that he was either crying or just putting on the water faucet to drown his sorrows away.

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    When i got home i had totally forgotten about the party, but it only dawned on me when i walked in and saw the entire house was all set for it with drink in the kitchen and snacks all over the house on the tables and fire place. I just groaned really loudly and went up stairs and took a shower and hopefully wiping away all my troubles into thr drain. When i got out i did feel a little better, but not as much as i would be is i stayed in that bathroom and told him ok. I felt fine being around him, i felt safe. And now i feel all alone again, and being with him, it seemed he is all i need and everything.

   I slowly got dressed for the party and did my make up all nice and smokey to go along with my outfit, i didnt want to be around people but i also couldnt let my sister down and not show up to her own party. I finished getting ready when i door bell rang, and heard my name being yelled from down stairs. I was a little confused at who it could be, so i walked down the long stair case and saw it was him. I wanted to run up to him and wrap my arms around his neck and beg him to forgive me for just leaving him like that. He could see the expression of that on my face and smiled, did he really just smile? I finished walking down the stairs and took him outside and shut the door and looked at him with confusion and happiness on my face. He looked back and just kissed me deeply and pationatly as if he was telling me everything is going to be ok, and i dont need to be scared anymore. I felt wrong just leaving him there like that, and wraped my arms around his neck and pressed into his body and he wrapped his arms around my waist and held me close. We stayed like that for a good two or three minutes just kissing and holding each other when he slowly let go and looked at me and asked, "are you ready to go on our date?" I totally forgot about our date! I hit my head, and said, "do you really still want to date me even after i just left you like that?" He nodded and gave me a peck on the lips and said, "ofcourse babe, i care about you enough to know you were just hurt and confused and didnt know what way was up and down." He just looked into my eyes and slowly brought me to his car and took me out on our date.


Ok again, not what i expected to write about, but i just went where my heart wanted me to go and this is how it came out. Again i know i said that i was going to write about the party, but i promise! the party scene is coming up! the date is next and then the party! I also wanted to say thanks again for reading this, it means a lot to me! So can you please comment, vote and fan? its just a button away from making my day! =)

The New Girl In Town (Formerly So What If I'm The New Girl In School?)Where stories live. Discover now