chapter 9

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chapter 9

Tom gets up and looks at me, sits down then looks at Emily and kisses her pationatly. my mouth drops open as he did this, as I'm staring at him makeing out with my sister he then stops looks at me for a good minute then goes backto his friends to continue what ever they were doing. I'm stupefied at to what just happened. this is crazy like he boggles my mind with his player like attitude and going after both my sister and I? actually having my sister this is just crazy.. well what ever I'm taking an oath to swore off of men till after high school when I go to college and find that someone who won't leave when the going gets rough or has to move because of his job. I want someone who can stay.

Memories of dad and I going hunting in early October came flooding back. Him and me walking down a sandy path alongside trees while just talking about anything, listening to the dogs bell to see if he stops to be pointing a bird. we were talking about school when the dogs bell stops, everything got quiet as were trying to locate our dog through all the trees. You would think that it would be easy since he is all white but nooooooo he has to be deep in the brush surrounded by thorns. Fluffy did I ever tell you I hate you? no I haven't? well I do... as we close in on fluffy he is standing still, tail all perfect in the air while he is holding his pose. dad goes in to flush the bird and as soon as the bird goes up, I swing my gun up at it follow it and then bam bird goes down and fluffy goes to retrieve it. as I'm smiling about the bird I just got I look at my dad and see him start to fade away, as I reach towards him he vanishes completely.

I feel a nudge on my arm which startles me out of my memory, the reason why my dad vanished, I fall off the swing and land on my back with tears in my eyes trying to see through them as to whom startled me. it's not working, I can't see who it is as to too scared me and made dad vanish, I wipe my eyes and squint to see and I believe it's sam...

"sam is that you?"

my vision is getting clearer as I'm wiping away the tears and now sand that had gotten on my far from both mine and the falls fault.

"yes sweetie its me sam, why are you crying?"

he picks me up off the ground wipe pulls me into him to comfort me as I'm crying more. I'm not really a cryer I tend to just be angry all the time but it's hard not to cry when I think of my dad. he is or was my best friend.... I'm crying into Sams shoulder he is rubbing my back soothingly and I just feel helpless. this isn't me normally, I don't tend to like to rely on people so being like this is odd.

"sam just bring me home please, I need to sleep it's late and I need to homework".

I say this as I leave his warm arms and to fix my make up and hair.

"would you like me to stay the night again?"

I nodd while he takes my hand in a comforting way friends do and takes me to his car. on the way home im just sitting in the passenger side staring out the window recalling all the good times I had with my father. when dad died I never really got to grieve since I grew up faster then I thought I would have to.. moms gone all day and for months while I'm stuck with Emily taking care of her and her treating me like crap because I care... well you know what? she can take care of her ownself from now on. wow... I just realized I went through a crap load of emotions throughout the day today and being angry at em isn't helping.

we pull up into the driveway and see toms car on the side of the road, why does he have to be here of all nights? I sigh while getting out of the car walking towards my house, as i enter the house I'm greeted by music coming from upstairs which isn't new, otherwise it's quiet. I close the door after sam enters and I go fetch a soda out of the fridge one for me and one for sam. I park my butt on the island in the kitchen just looking at sam whose looking at me drinking his soda. we just sit slash stand here for a couple minutes then I jump off the island and head towards my room. sam follows and helps me the rest of the way by carrying me to it, we walk past emilys room and see her and Tom listening to music loudly while she is picking out an outfit. normally I would care about where she is going but tonight I don't care. Tom looks at me while I'm in Sams arms as he is carrying me to my room, out eyes lock for a second when he looks jealous just for a second till he collects him self. I believe sam sees this and finishes bringing me to my room and sets down on the floor. I walk over to my dresser grab some pajama bottoms then walk into my bathroom to change. after I change I wash the left over make up off of my face then brush my teeth and recomb my hair. I walk back into my room and lay next to sam in my bed.

"I'm sorry I broke down like that in the park tonight."

he looks at me crazily then pulls me into his chest for a hug then let's me go so I can explain what happened. I didn't feel like telling him about Tom and Emily so I'm just going to tell him about my memory about my father.

"sam when I was on that swing I remembered dad on one of our hunting trips. it was like it was yeterday then when you touched my shoulder he was gone. he vanished before my eyes all over again Sam how many times do I have to see that? it's bad enough I saw him die... he was in my arms... holding on for dear life just bleeding out..."

I start to beak down at the sight of seeing, feeling, smelling and tasting the blood that was covering my dad and I that day, the day he died.

"Elle sweetie you don't have to tell me I know it was horrible and I'm sorry you had to be there and see that happen. you guys wer so close and for that to happen to such a great man is terrible."

he pulls me back into him so I'm crying into his shirt just holding onto him, grasping his shirt in my hand holding on so tight that he can't vanish away like dad did.

"it's not fair, why that day why at all? he was my best friend, my dad, he isn't going to see me or em grow up... it's just not fair.. sam..."


Sams p.o.v

after about an hour of Ellie holding onto me she fell asleep in my arms. I needed to get some air and see is if that punk was still here. I layed her down under the blankets, kissed her forehead then left the room. I closed the door and let out a sigh. she is adorable the way she sleeps, she seems so at peace so more like herself before the accident. I miss her like that, this new her is nice and i still love her it's just shes holding. shutting the world out and jailing her innerself in. I walk past the main bathroom and sneak up to emilys room and see the door is still open. I try and sneak a peak but noone is in there. I shouldn't have to worry about that punk rocker since Elle seems to hate the kid but it just seems like there is something there between them no idea what theres just that feeling. since Tom and em arent in there I continue to walk down the stairs making my way to the kitchen when I bump into someone. our heads collide and I know this isn't Emily since she and Elle are the same height so this must be the punk who broke elles heart last night, I oughta beat the shit out of him for just trying to pull a fast one on her.

"walk much?"

oh he did not just say that to me, did he? oh man Elle I hope you don't kill me if I hurt him.

"excuse me? you bumped into me punk, what the hell are you even doing here anyways?"

he looks at me questionably then speaks,

"well I'm doing em for one and two you can't tell me what I cant do."

this is going to be a very interesting night if he is staying the night here too, Elle if I murder him please visit me in jail.

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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2011 ⏰

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