chapter 2

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Thanks for reading my last chapter!! It totally made my weekend!! I'm so not kidding, my weekend was kinda blah until i saw some people had read it. So thanks again! If you would like could you comment and vote please? And I will try and upload as often as I can. I have a very busy and complicated life right now but it should be getting better soon, I hope.

I would also like to thank my best friend and little brother for helping me write this! they are amazing!! <3

But enough talking and here is the chapter.


All I could think in my head was was "did he really just say that to me? Of course I'm the new girl, I look like the new girl. You dont need to ask it" But instead i said to him, "yeah I'm new so what? Are you going to be the 'nice guy' and show me around?" Ok that came off a little mean but I ment it. It usually happens when your new and one guys likes to make an ass out of him-self. "Im sorry did i hit a nerve?" Said the cocky, shaggy black hair boy with beautiful green eyes. Oh my god... did I just say beautiful eyes? Im losing it. "Yes you did Mr. Rude boy by slamming my locker on me. What if you cut off one of my fingers?" "That would never happen, I've done it a million times before." Seriously? A million times before? Can you say play boy? What ever, he is getting on my nerves and im going to be late for class because of this idiot. "I gotta go, I hope not to run into you sometime soon." I said that and grabbed my bag and walked away into a near by classroom which i was hoping was the room i needed to be in.

    Luckily I was right, this was the government class I was supposed to be in, so I went and took my seat in the back and took out a nootbook and a pen. As i was just setting my pen down, the rude boy from before walked in. Why did he have to have this class with me? I swear i was being tortured for some unknown reason. I looked at him with a stern look and he slowly walked over to me. I didnt notice before since i was to busy looking into his eyes and trying to get away from him, but he is actually good looking! He has a nice smile from what i can see since he is smirking and guessing im checking him out. Which is half right, im just noticing what i didnt notice before. He is wearing a black skin tight shirt with a red plaid shirt ontop un buttoned so you can see his 6 pack bulging out. Which looks really good on him. His pants are some what lose but is held up by a belt, but his pants are a dark navy/black color but are faded in some areas. His boots are timberlands and are nice on him and poor looking on other people. I feel stupid for even checking him out, he isnt even the type of person im interested in either. He seems to be one of those popular boys that girls fan all over for.

    I hadnt even noticed that he was sitting in the desk next to mine and leaning over it when he said, "hey" in a very seductive way. I was kinda spooked so i jumped and blushed a little. "Im sorry, i didnt mean to frighten you." He chuckles a little while he says it. "Oh its ok, I just didnt see you sit down thats all...." I some how managed to say that with out beating him for scaring me. "Are you sure? Just before i did it seems you were checking me out." He said with a smirk, oh did i wanna smack it off of him. "Im sorry for ruining your fun, but i was just checking to see what you looked like so i know now to avoid you for future reference." He hadn't said or done much to me to make me hate him, but i have been to a lot of schools over the years to know his type. Yet there seems to be something different about him, I'm not sure why but i dont think i will like it. "Did I do something to offend you or something?" He said kinda hurt at what I said to him, his eyes were looking into mine as if i could feel the hurt. " No, but I have moved around a lot and i know guys that are just like you." I said honestly, I have been hurt way to many times to get involved in a relationship with this guy and have to move shortly after. Im not going to break mine or his heart. "What do you mean like me? You have only known me for a little while." He said back, i thought he was going to say more but he might be holding that back for a little while longer. "I move around a lot since my mom is in the army. So i have seen, met, dated guys just like you. When i say that, i mean like your type. I dont want to make hardly any friends incase i have to move again in a month or so. So im not interested." I said the last part codly to see is he got the point. He thought about it for a moment or two and then leaned in real close to me. Close enough that i could feel his breathe on my face. My heart skipped a beat, and i gazed into his green eyes while he gazed into mine and slowly said, "i will not act like those jack asses that you've known before. im different and i can see that you sense that i am."

     I was about to say something when the teacher walked in and interupted by clearing his throat and looking at the both of us. i blushed and turned my head and looked at him, while the guy leaned back in his chair and said "i was just telling the new girl that im your intern and that your one of the best teachers in the school." I looked at him and then the teacher and then slowly nodded. Not that long after that happened student piled in and took their seats. The boy, who i just realised i hadnt even gotten his name yet just looked at me every so often and i blushed when he did. Im not sure what is getting into me, i have never felt like this before with a guy that i just met. He seemed to like it since i can see a smile on his face out of the corner of my eye.

   School was boring the rest of the day, I had all my classes with that boy whose name i still dont know. I was just about ready to leave school when Rosie came up to me. "Hey sis!" I heard from down the hall. "Hey Rose, whats up?" I said shutting my locker door. "Oh! Since mom is going to be out of town this weekend on a trip, I thought we should have a party!" She said the last part really loudly and the kids in the hall just looked at us weird. "You want to throw a party? All right what ever, just leave me out of it ok?" She nodded and walked away with her new friends that im guessing she made in the first five minutes of school.

   I walked out of the school and down the stairs and bumped into whats his face! I figure since i dont know his name, thats what i will call him till i learn it. "Watch where your going much?" He said until he turned around and saw it was me. He smiled really big and told his friends he would be right back. "Hey.... you..." I said kinda dumbfounded. He looked at me weird and relised why i was acting like that. "My name is Tom Paine. Im sorry for not introducing  myself earlier. We had gotten interupted and then it seems like you ignored me the rest of the day...." Which is some what true, i did try and do that. I dont want to get close to him. But Tom Paine is a nice name on him, it suites him. "Im sorry, i just dont wanna get hurt again. I cant deal with it. My name is Elle Starr. Its nice to meet you again." I chuckled at the last part but softly not knowing if he caught it. Im assuming he did since he smiled. "I already told you." He picked my hands up and held them in his and looked into my eyes and looked into my heart. "I am not going to hurt you. I will prove to you that I wont." I just stood there like that for a minute or to, taking in what he just said. Before i could think about what i was going to say i just blurted out, "wanna come to a party tonight at my house? my sister is throwing it, but im sure you know everyone there and we could try and become friends. just friends." I stood there shocked and dumbfounded at what just happened. I took my hands from his and tried to cover a blush from my face. He stood dumbfounded to and said "sure, see you at 8." He winked at me before he left and walked off to his friends again. I have no idea what i just gotten myself into, but i knew tonight was either going to be fun or just plain hell.


I know this chapter is kinda long, but it ended off at a part that i didnt think about leaving off at. But i can tell you this, chapter 3 is going to be awesome!!! which is the party scene and some people will either be hooking up or breaking up!!

So can you please comment, vote, and fan! =)

The New Girl In Town (Formerly So What If I'm The New Girl In School?)Where stories live. Discover now