chapter 4

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I am soooo uber sorry i havnt upload recently in the past couple months. i have been extremely busy with school and work, and some lazyness. I had written this chapter last month and tried to upload but my dog shut the computer off on me and i gave up on several tried after. So i understand if you hate me..... but at least i am sorry and am uploading now.

i also wanted to say if you dislike the kissing scenes im sorry, this is my first ever story and i realy suck at it, im sorry you can skip over the parts.  Now here is the story you have been waiting for, for months....


  I cannot belive im going actually going on a date with this guy. Usually im one of the girls that either ignores them or just tells them to get lost. One reason why i think im going on this date is because i stranded him in the bathroom earlier and i feel horrible about that, and another reason is because i actually truely like this guy. I know i shouldnt because im either going to get hurt in the end or fall in love with him and have to move away. For once I wish my sister and I were close so she could give me advice as to what i should do.

 Meanwhile while im spacing and thinking to myself Tom, the hottie with a firebird, is just smiling away and driving to our date area. He probably thinks I am regretting getting in his car because i am so quiet. I should say something.... "so what made you still wanna go out with me tonight?" Great... why did i have to say that? Now he's probably regretting going back out with me. He looks at me for a second and then back to looking at the road, and places his right hand in mine and says, "I already told you, I like you to much to lose you to your past expierences. Im different then those other guys you've dated. Im more sweet, caring, loveable and I know how to treat  you right." As he is saying this it sinks in and he's saying it like he is meaning every word and i truely believe him. Man i hope i can stay and be with for a long time.

 We pull into this really fancy restaurant, something romantic of where the movie stars and famous people go out to eat. I didnt even think this town had a restaurant in it, nevermind one as this. Im also in my "party" outfit, jeans and a shirt. I dont look classy enough to be dining a this place. "Tom i'm not dressed for this..." I say to him to see if he changes his mind. He just looks at me and shakes his head and says, "why? you look fine to me. your beautiful just how you look tonight." Awww! I just want to hug him for making my night! We get out of the car and walk up to the door and are bombarded by cameras and guys yelling, "is this your date?!" and "Who's the babe you have with you Tom?!" Im shocked at everything going on so I cozy up to Tom and hurry into the place. Im sure their just fake poparazzi wanting the guest to feel special, their probably not even real camera's, I'll ask Tom about it later.

 While yet again I'm babbling Tom has the waiter escourt us to our seats in a cornor thats very romantic and far away from the other guests. We take our seats and cozy up to each other, so were sitting next to each other in the bench. He orders some french champagne and I just look at him crazily and go along with it. We both ordered  Filet Mignon. For awhile he sat in silence and he kept on looking at me and i looked at him until i gave in and asked what or who those people out front where and why they were asking those questions. "So uh Tom, who were those guys out there with the cameras? Do you know them or something?" He looks at me for a few minutes debating on what to say and he finally says, "those men were poparazzi and they are here because this is where famous people come to have dinner. Im in a band called The Bloody Thornz, have you heard of them?" Im just speachless, like my mouth is open and nothing is coming out expect maybe drool. Im on a date with a singer whose famous and i could be in a magazine tomorrow.... what the hell?! "Ellie, are you ok?" he says, worriedly, he touches my hand while the other is waving in front of me. I slowly nodd that Im still there just in shock. Me a complete nobody is on a date with a singer.... WOW! As i come-to I say, "seriously? Your not pulling my leg or anything?" He shakes his head as i saying no. "So your really famous?" He then nodds for a yes. "And you famous said person, likes me a nobody." i point to myself to clearly say me. He then nodds again and says, "your not a nobody, your a somebody, your my somebody who i care a lot about. Or I would like to make you my somebody if you would have me." I nodd my head and throw mysef at him to hug him tight and hold him. I could care less about thim being famous, im just glad for once im not lonely anymore. That im loved.

 Ofcourse being this close to him i have to kiss him, well i dont but there's this connection between us so i kind of do have to kiss him. I lean into him and slowly put my lips on his and while were in the middle of it a flash interrupts us. I scream and jump at the sudden flash, I quickly sit back down and think about what just had happened. Tom and a waiter are talking and removing this guy out from where we are, while i put my head on the table out of embarrasement. I cant believe i got so caught up in this guy that i let my guard down... he must be special or something for me to do that... I sigh deeply because it seems like for ever when Tom finally gets back. He apolgized for that guy, and I just said it was fine he just suprised me. I apologized for screaming in his face and he said no problem. If i got screamed at i would be upset, but he just shruggs it off like it was nothing. He is either dumb, or really likes me. After that little incident dinner came and so did our drinks. We ate in silence because no one knew what to say because of the fiasco. After we finished dinner we sat in the restauran for a little while, he answered my questions after i finally thought of some. "So does your band go to our school too?" He said, "yup! Everyone you see me with ast school is in the band. There is Charlie, Ed, and Mark plus mee. The rest are our friends." I nodd and respond "so are you not that famous or are the girls at school just hate you guys? Im sorry that came out mean." I blush at the harshness of that last question and he shakes his head and smiles, "No they love us, we;ve just gone to school with them for ever their just sick of us. We do have fan girls so be on watch for them. They will do anything to be with us. Im not kidding, Charlie's girl, Lexi, has a broken leg from a fan girl." My mouth drops open again from shock, i have to look out for poparrazii and fan girls now... great... "Your so lucky that i like you otherwise i dont believe i would put up with the fan girls gone wild." I said while kissing him lightly, He smiled and kissed back.

 After our conversation we got up, payed and walked out once again with the cameras; i help onto Tom again because you cant see through the flashes. We got into his car and headed to my house for the party. May be we can continue what we started earlier? Who knows, I just dont want him to think im easy... great a dilema about sex! Ugh! I just want tonight to be fun.

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