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Sometimes all you can do is lie in bed, and hope to fall asleep before you fall apart.
We had just gotten back to the hotel and put all of mine and Oliver's stuff on the tour bus. I was getting ready to go to a party tonight. It was just a normal party at a frat house, and how they got invited? I have no idea nor do I want to know.

I didn't want to look too provocative so I just settled with black skinny jeans and a band shirt, my normal attire. Waiting for the boys to get ready was like waiting for your 5th grade friends to get ready for their school dance. They were all drama queens, especially Calum.

Luke didn't want to go because he said, "I don't feel good," which I know was a lie but it didn't matter. I would have rather stayed at the hotel with him to but Calum insisted I got out. I didn't plan on drinking simply because I don't drink.

"Alex we gotta go now because we have to pick up Ashton at the studio," Calum said walking out of the bathroom. I got up and put my phone in my pocket.

"Okay but I don't want to stay at the party long" I said and walked out the door after him giving Oliver a kiss when I walked out.

We made small talk in the car and picked up Ashton which Calum didn't tell me that Michael was also with him. I sat awkwardly in the back while Michael glared at me through the window. So I guess someone told him I was going to be on tour with them, no surprise their all big mouths.

I definitely liked Luke more than I liked Ashton. Don't get me wrong I had nothing against him, he just had that personality that is a bit annoying and controlling.

I thought they were all single considering there were no rumors or confirms but with the small talk I had with Calum and Luke at the hotel I figured out that Ashton and Michael both had girlfriends.

Ashton was dating an old friend, how typical, and Michael was dating, "A bitch named Olivia" and that's all they would tell me. I didn't want to know about her anyways, it's not like she would matter to me.

We pulled up to the house, there were cars lined up down the street and parked in the grass. Trying to find a parking spot was probably the biggest struggle of the night because Michaels whiny ass didn't want to walk far, so we dropped him off and parked a couple streets over.

When we entered the house there were people everywhere, and the already blasting music was making my head hurt.

Before I had even got to sit down there were numerous attempts from both guys and girls wanting to dance or have a drink, which I quickly declined. There was no room to sit or even stand without being trampled or pulled.

Just to sum the party up for you, it was shit.

"Alex, come play a game with us!" Calum shouted across the room to me but I just flipped him off and continued standing there. Michael snickered and muttered something about me under his breath so I walked over smirking and sat down on Calums lap.

"What was that, Clifford?" I asked him staring straight into his eyes with a half smile.

"I said, looks like Alex is all grown up now, what happened to the party days huh? You use to be wild, why don't we show everyone what your capable of, Brooks." As soon as I went to open my mouth and reply Calum slapped his arm and turned me around to face the people playing the game.

The stupidest game to ever exist and I mean I guess I should have expected it, we are with a bunch of frat boys and girls. Truth or dare.

I slouched back into Calums lap and decided to have fun with this game, because if there's one thing im known for at parties, it would be playing this game. Calum grabbed my hand with his free one which just happened to be cold from holding his drink.

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