A Lunch at Wagstaff

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Y/n had never really had to sit down in a large area with vast amounts of people.

She supposed it was a blessing up until this moment. Honestly she's pretty happy that she at least didn't have to go through the line to get lunch from the school. BooBoo wouldn't allow that.

Y/n rolled her eyes. He always thought someone was out to poison them. She honestly didn't have the heart to let him know that they weren't that famous. Honestly his popularity was starting to go down too. She'd have to figure out some way for him to spike up the popularity.
Y/n clenched the f/c lunchbox in her hands,sighing at just how heavy it was. She desperately hoped that Boo hadn't cooked it himself. In her two years of traveling around with him, she learned he was a terrible cook.

All the thoughts going through that h/c head of hers seemed to instantly drift away when she felt a hand on her back. "Hey, we invited a few other-" It was Tina, glasses and all, "Are you all right? You look worried." It was comforting to know that she had people here so at least cared a little bit.

"Yeah, I'm just not used to eating in large crowds."

"Don't worry about it, I promise we have plenty of other people at the table who eat in a way that attracts attention to them instead."

Y/n laughs a bit, "Okay."

Once you two make it over to the table and have a seat, you notice two new people sitting at the table.
"These are the guys I was going to tell you about," Tina seemed to already be in your mind, "This is Jimmy Jr," she points at a boy with orange hair.

"Hi," he waves. Seems to have a lisp too.

"And that's Zeke," she points at the other boy with brown hair and a black tank top on.


"Great! Now that everyone is all caught up, let's eat!" Gene announces enthusiasticly.

You nod before opening your lunch box, happy to see that there's no homemade food in there. Thank the gods. It actually was a lunchable two juice boxes and an absurd amount of snacks. You'd have to let Boo know that you don't need that many after you thank him later.

The lunch was filled with lots of laughter. Maybe eating in front of other's wasn't so bad if you had friends.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23, 2021 ⏰

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