Meeting Boo boo (again X3)

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Boo boo opened the door. "Hey sis! Who are they?" He points at Louise and Tina I step inside and giggle as Louise slaps Boo boo "Rember me?" She asks "Oh my god how are you?" He asks excitedly making Louise smile "I'm good and this is my dear sister Tina" she points behind her "hi" Tina says shyly. He gave her a smile as we all went into the kitchen. "Who wants cookies?" I ask holding up homemade cookies "meeeeeeee" Boo boo and Louise shout simultaneously. "I could go for one" Tina smiles as I hand her a cookie then I move over to give Boo boo and Louise theirs. I start working on a video edit for a music and dance video Boo boo and I did together

Tina watched the whole time which was 2 hours (yeah it takes a while to edit stuff) "Yaz I'm done!" I squeal stuffing a victory cookie in my mouth "really?" Boo (that's what you call him) asks. "Yeah and it should be done uploading in 15 minutes" I smile stretching my arms "Ya know we still have to make a music video for the new song we made right?" Boo says setting down his cookie I nod "hey Tina Louise wanna be in our video?" I ask smirking they replied with....

What will they say? you decide!
Also who should Louise be with its a choice between Logan and Boo boo you decide! Anyways stay PAWsome FURRends

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