Meeting Tina and Mr.Belcher

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Louise and I met up after school which was chaos by the way. When I introduced myself to some of the kids and teachers they went fan girl/boy mode it was absolutely terrifying.
"Heya Louise" my hair was messed up at this point. "Hey Y/n what happened to you?" She asks snickering and pointing at my hair. "Fans.." I reply as I use my hands to fix my hair. She chuckled as she led me to her restaurant which is called Bobs Burgers apparently. When we arrived she told me to sit at the counter while she got her sister, after she left a man with a round stomach, black hair, and an apron on walked over to me "Can I get you anything?" He asks "maybe could you provide me some options?" He grins widely and points to a chalk board that has 'Burger Of the Day' on it. I giggled as I read what it said "pfft the-the I'll Taco to you later Burger!" I laugh making him laugh with me "finally someone who laughs at the burger!" He smiles proudly. "I guess I'll take that" I smile, as I wait for him to cook it Louise came in through the glass door with a taller girl, who had black hair, black glasses, a bob cut with a cute gold brett, and a blue T-shirt with a blue skirt. "She I told you she is here" Louise smirked "oh my god it's really you!" The taller girl who I presume is Louise's sister hugged me I hug back giggling. "Sister introduce yourself" Louise pretends to be surprised "oh I'm Tina" Tina said shyly embarrassed about what she did. "Well I'm Y/n L/n as you already know" I smile winking and putting up my thumb, index finger, and middle finger up keeping the others down. "Whoa! Can you say the thing you say for your Chanel's intros?!" She asks excitedly making Louise laugh a little. "Stay PAWsome FURRends!" I smile doing the same action I did before but with both hands. "And your order is rea-Tina Louise don't crowd the customer!" The man scolded "Dad this is Y/n L/n! The famous singer and dancer!" Tina squeals. "Oh......ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" He hands me the burger "I'm Bob Belcher Tina and Louise's father" he smiles "nice ta meet cha" I say stuffing my mouth with the burger. "This isf good" I complement with my mouth full. "Uh thanks?" Bob says not completely sure about what I said.

After Tina Louise and I left the restaurant (and take some selfies with Bob) we headed to my house which Boo boo lived in as well. She didn't know but I saw Louise have a excited expression every time Tina and I weren't looking at her. I knock on the wooden door and the person who opened it was.......

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