Christmas Special the Beltcher children

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Gene and I decided to go to a candy store because he said he wanted to tell me something. "Hey Gene what did ya wanna tell me?" I ask. he jumped a bit looking nervous "uh well I um uh..." He trailed off clearly nervous. He took my hand quickly, surprising me a little
"Y/n I....I love you!" He says loudly making some people stare at us. I blush a bit "more then fo-" I start "even more then anything!" He looks into my eyes. I smile and kiss him and pull back after a bit "I love you too".


Louise and I had just pulled the most epic prank on Jimmy Jr. We ran away laughing until she pulled me to a stop "hey Y/n I need to tell you something" I looked at her with a smile "what is it?" She blushes making me raise a brow. "I.. I like you" she mumbled "what?" I tilted my head "I LIKE YOU!" She shouted causing me to blush "you mean like like?" I ask unsure "yes!" She hugs me I hug back "then I like like you too"


Tina had been acting weird around me for a while and I don't know why. "Hey Tina!" I ran over to her with a goofy smile "Ah! Uh hey Y/n" she let out a sigh of relief but seemed to still be a bit nervous. "What's up?" I ask with a smile "nothing's up I'm good yeah! What's up with you?!" She says quickly making me giggle "well Tina I wanted to tell you something.." I start she looked frantic "I like like you!" I ran off with a smile giggling leaving Tina who was smiling and blushing.

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