Truth or Dare

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They nodded excitedly and I set up the camera and got everything ready

After the video Louise and Tina looked at me with faces that said wow. "Haha did I go over board?" I scratched behind my head. "No not at all you singing is just amazing!" Tina waved his hands a light shade of pink on her face as well as Louise. Boo boo smiled and hugged me chuckling softly. "You never cease to amaze me~" he whispered (idk I might do incest with Boo Boo in this story for you readers who like him). I blush looking the other direction a small smile on my l/c lips. He smirks seemingly expecting that reaction from me. I got an idea as my eyes sparkle "we should play Truth or Dare!" I giggle. Everyone nods. "Okay" Louise looks at me "truth or dare?"
I smirk and say...

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