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Boo Bear. Of course. My eyes roll playfully, "And what exactly are you up to?"  He laughed with no response and I quirked my brow in return. Alright then-that's not going to have to question life itself later.

Y/n takes a bite of another cookie, humming with satisfaction. These were most definitely store bought, but that didn't stop Linda from saying she made them herself. Y/n, of course, went along with it and smiled like she always does.
This was quite the cute family. She wished hers was more like this. Boo Boo was the only family she really had-and he was very much not related to her in any way. Shame honestly, he was the coolest brother.

"Hey Y/n!" A familiar feminine voice calls loudly, nearly scaring Y/n out of her mind.

"Jesus Louise, you nearly gave me a heart attack.." The h/c haired girl stared at the shorter Louise. It a bit hard to believe that she was only a year or two younger than you. She had that maturity in her that Y/n had seen in middle schoolers. Plus the same obsession with more gross and dark things they seemed to have too. Perhaps that's the maturity she was seeing.

"Aw-only almost?" The raven haired girl asked cheekily. Yup, there it is.
"Gene is about to come out to meet you-he's just peeping himself up with a speech."

The e/c girl felt the corners of her lips twitch upwards. A speech? What for? She blinked thoughtfully while trying to imagine what he could possibly be pepping himself up for. It's like people forget celebrities and well-known people are just people too. In the end they're all the same.

With that, the sound of a door slamming shut and feet shuffling over towards Y/n were heard. Not to her surprise, who she guessed was Gene stood in front of her. He looked to be around the same height as her and had that same black hair his siblings did. They all definitely looked related, that's for sure.

"I'm Gene, but you probably know me from all the sales you've gotten off of me!" What an interesting pep rally that must have been in his room. Y/n didn't have the heart to tell him she was never told who and where bought the most things and that he probably has been beat by some creepy obsessed perv.

"Wait-you mean the Gene?!" She decided it would be more fun to boost his confidence instead of let him know the truth. Plus it was several times more fun. "God, I've heard legends, but I didn't think you were real-were you the guy who was able to down 3 boxes of cereal in 30 minutes?" She did hear about a video like that and hoped she was right.

"Yes, but I've beat my record, it's now 15 minutes!" That is...genuinely impressive. He was definitely adorable-he felt more innocent than his younger sister though, somehow. Maybe aware ignorance? Or perhaps he's just genuinely like this and doesn't care what people think, either way it's definitely relieving to have this instead of the usual overreacting.

"Weird and kind of sudden question, but would you dudes want to sit together at lunch tomorrow? I think it'd be pretty lit." Y/n offered, watching one face after another light up.

"Of course!" They said together.

This place was definitely worth moving to.

Alright gamers, I make this so you'd stop commenting on my bad stuff. Pleaseeee what do you want from me?!? DX
I'm writing less than I usually would because this book works well with open endings to the chapter. I want your suggestions on what to do since this fanfic was definitely never planned and I want it to be a readers experience. I will probably be doing all suggestions, so keep 'em coming.
Thanks for reading dudes.

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