chapter 1

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Izukus took off his shoes placing them beside him. The things everyone told him all lead to the same thing.

"Go die"

"Take a swan dive off the roof  and hope for a quirk in your next life!"

"You dont deserve love"

"Why did i have to have such a useless son"

"Good for nothing."

"Cant do anything right!"

"Disgusting thing"

All of this stormed izukus head. Tears rolled down his face as he let himself fall.
He stared at the sky as he becane closer to the ground.

Izuku was ready for the inpact to the ground but instead he felt like he was being held by someone.

He opened his eyes that he had shut and was faced with a man in a bird mask. Izuku tried to get out of his grip but the man didnt budge.

"Why did you jump?" The man finally asked.

Izuku stopped struggling and looked at the man.

"Becouse im a quirckless nobody that dosnt deserve to be loved or agnoliged" izuku said before struggling again.

The man sighed looking at izuku with a hint of sadness. He started walking through a alleyway with a tired izuku still im his arms.

Izuku had stopped struggling and had gotten tired. He forced himself to stay awake as the man brought him to his base.

"Sleep. You seem tired" he said.

Izuku hesitated but calmed down. He didnt care what happened to him now. So he just fell asleep in the mans arms.


Izuku woke up in a room that was not his. It was a clean nice comfy room. There was a desk im the left corner of the room, a bookshelf  beside it. Izuku was in the right corner of the room were the bed was. There was a metal door and a small cabnet. Izuku looked down at himself and noticed he was in a white buttoned shirt and white sweatpants.

Izuku got out of the bed and almost fell over, he felt weak.

"I guess the side effects of not sleeping or eating much is finally kicking in..."izuku muttered to himself.

He sat on the floor curled up into his legs. The metal door had no way of opening on his side so he didnt try to even open it.

He decided to just sit there untill something  happened or untill he died of starvation. He didnt care.

Izuku sat there, his mind blank. It had been a hour and he finally started to hear noises from outside the door.

Soon the door started to open, izuku didnt look up and kept his eyes on the floor.

"Hello there.." someone said walking up to izuku.

"My name is hari! Whats your name?" Hari asked.

Izuku looked up at the grey hair. He looked back down to his bare feet.

"Izuku..." he said.

Hari nodded and continued to ask small questions about him. Sometimes izuku would stay quiet telling hari he didnt want to answer.

After a few minutes hari finally finished and said that his boss would be coming in a minute and he would see him soon.

Izuku nodded slowly as hari walked away closing the door behind him.

"Hes...nice.." izuku muttered.

2 minutes later the door opens again.

"Hello again." The man that saved him said.

Izuku didnt look up but he could hear him moving closer. The man held izukus chin lifting it up so he could face him.

Izukus dull eyes made him look like he was lost to the world.

"So you're name is izuku?" He asked. Izuku nodded slowly.

"Hmm, im chisaki. Chisaki kai or overhaul." He said still holding izukus chin.

Kai then pulled out a collar from his pocket and carefully put it on izuku locking it on.

"Dose it hurt?" He asked.

Izuku shook his head no.

"Good" kai said.

"Come on" kai said standing up and walking to the door.

Izuku looked at his feet as he tried to stand up. He did shakily but he failed to walk. He fell back to his knees.

Overhaul watched this happen and sighed. He went over to izuku picking him up bridal style. He walked out of the room and got many surprised and amazed looks.

He went into a office room and sat izuku on a chair.

"Ill be back in a minute, stay here." He said before leaving the room.

Izuku sat silently looking around the wide office.

It had a lot of space and it was hella clean. It smelt like fabreez. The walls were white but the floor was navy green.

Izuku heard the door open but didnt bother to look, he was still looking around the office.

"Im back." Izuku then looked over at kai who had a bowl of rice in his gloved hand.

Izuku raised a eyebrow at him.

"You have to eat." He said. Izuku immediately shook his head no vigorously.

"Why not? Your too skinny for your own good." He replied.

Izuku only repeated his last actions.

"Ugh, do i really have to do this." Kai said walking over to izuku.

He took some chopsticks and got some rice putting it up to izukus face.







After 10 minutes of this hari walked in on the scene.

"Just eat the rice!"

Izuku shook his head vigorously then looked at hari who stifled a laugh.

"Agh! Oh hey hari" kai said frustrated.

"Pfft, whats wrong boss?" He replied.

"I cant get him to fricken eat!" He said.

"Let me try" hari said taking the chop sticks and rice.

"Izuku, if you eat i promise to cuddle with you later" hari said, izuku emideitly looked at him in the eyes.

"So?" Hari said.

Izuku nodded and took the chopsticks and rice from hari.

"How did you know that would work-" kai asked.

"Ive checked for izukus info, finds out he is touch starved but any bad kind of touch can be triggering. He has to trust you or you have to tell him before touching him to not set off a panic attack" hari explained.

"While izu here is eating why dont i tell you more about him" hari said sitting in the sear next to izuku. Kai nodded as hari went on talking.

"Izuku is quirckless and dosnt know how love feels. The only real things he knows is pain, pity, sadness, and plainness. He dosnt sleep unless given pills or being in someone's touch. He is good with little kids and animals, he is also very quiet and has trusting issues. His parents never loved him nor agnoliged his existence." Hari said.

Hari then felt a tap, he looked to izuku who had eaten all the rice.

'Its like a little child ♡' hari thought.

Kai watched in amusement of the 2 interaction. He had already felt connected to izuku.

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