chapter 2

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Hari was hugging izuku as izuku clung to his shirt resting his head on his chest. He let out soft snores as he breathed softly.

"So hes clean from the disease" kai said admiring izuku sleeping figure.

"Yeah" hari said quietly.

So hes pure.. a pure angle.

Overhaul stood up signaling hari to fallow him. Hari nodded and stood up with izuku in his arms.

"Take izuku here back to his room, ill be with eri" overhaul said walking out the door.

Hari went to izukus room and put him down on his bed. He covered him in the blanket, turned off the lights and left the room closing the door behind him.

With eri and overhaul

"Eri" overhaul said opening her door.

"Eep! Y-yes?" She asked holding something behind her back and smiling cheeky.

"Eri what do you have?" He asked kneeling down.

Eri just sighed then smiled.
She pulled out a paper that had her and overhaul on it.

"Its for you!" Eri said with Happiness.

Overhaul smiled and opened his arms for eri. Eri raced to put on her gloves then ran into his arms.

"Thank you eri" he said.

"What did you need anyway?" Eri asked sitting infront of him.

"There is a new person here, he is going to watch over you but i have 2 rules" he said.

Eri nodded her haid for him to continue.

"Rule 1. Dont touch him without his permission and rule 2. If he ever blanks out hug him, if that dosnt work then call me. Okay eri?" He said.

Eri nodded and saluted with a big smile on her face.

Eri looked around her room and quickly ran to her shelf of stuffed animals. She brought a small stuffed bunny over to him.

"Can you give him this?" Eri said with puppy eyes.

Overhaul chuckled and took the toy nodding at eri before leaving.

He walked over to izukus room and silently opened the door. He walked over to izukus bed and softly woke him up.

"Hmmm" izuku hummed as he tiredly sat up.

"Izuku, there is a girl i want you to babysit. You can go back to sleep but she wanted you to have this" overhaul gave izuku the toy. Izuku looked at it and hugged at.

"Tell her i said thank you..."he said laying down with the stuffy.

Overhaul smiled and nodded as he left tye room closing the door again.

Overhaul smiled and nodded as he left tye room closing the door again

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3 hours later overhaul went back to izukus room.

He opened the door and saw izuku sitting up in his bed and cuddling the bunny.

Overhaul smiled at this and walked over to izuku.

"Its time for you to babysit" overhaul said holding his hand out for izuku.

Izuku looked up at him then took his hand. Overhaul helped him stand up then scooped him off the ground.

He walked over to eris room once again and opened the door.

"Eri hes here" he said walking in the room. Eri came over and looked at izuku hugging the bunny.

Her eyes sparkled as she looked at him.

Overhaul pit him down on the floor carefully.

"Ill be back in 2 hours okay, you guys can leave the room anytime" overhaul said before leaving.

"Hello im eri!" She said smiling.

Izuku looked at her and held his hand out. Eri happily took it.

"Im....izuku." izuku said.

"Do you like the bunny i gave you"

"Y-yeah, thank you" izuku said with a soft but kind face.

Eri and izuku decided to play dolls. Soon eri got hungry and she helped izuku walk to the kitchen with her.

When they got there one of the new villains there spotted them.

"Arnt those test subjects?" He thought to himself walking over to them.

"Hey you!" The 2 looked over at him. Izuku got infront of eri as she held onto his leg.

The man started shouting at him and trying to grab them but izuku kept dodging and stepping back with eri safely with him.

The man was about to hit izuku when someone caught his arm.

"Im sorry, but what are you doing?" Hari said glaring at the man with murder in his eyes.

The man shivered and replied with "i was trying to get these subjects back into there cells!".

"These aren't subjects, thats boss's daughter and her babysitter/ bosses personal pet" he said standing infront of them.

Izuku didnt know what was happening as he started to tremble, his mind went fuzzy as he fell to his knees. Memories of when his parents would fight cane back to him as tears streamed down his cheeks. But then he felt a warm embrace as he started to calm down.

He realized eri was hugging him, he hugged eri back as he trembled slightly.

"Its okay izuku"eri said.

"Eri help izuku back to the room, i had order to do if anyone tried anything on you 2" he said smiling kindly then glaring at the man.

Izuku nodded and helped izuku back to the room. Eri sat him agents her bed as she cuddled into his chest. Izuku cuddled her as he calmed down and they both soon fell asleep.

Meanwhile hari was beating the shit out of that guy😁


Overhaul came back to see hari standing over the man.

"Hari what happened" he asked.

"He tried to grab and hurt izuku and eri" he said.

Overhaul glared at the man before rushing to eris room. He opened to door but calmed down when he saw the 2 softly sleeping together.

"They are both angles"

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