chapter 5

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Kai woke up to find izuku gone. He heard giggling in the halls so he changed and went to see who it was.

He looked around and saw eri running from izuku. They were giggling, even if izuku would stop for a few seconds he would go straight back to chasing her.

"Izuku,eri im going to leave now" he said.

The 2 stopped what they were doing then ran over to him hugging him.

"Bye!" They both said, well izuku in his quiet voice.

Kai and hari left leaving izuku and eri back to there own time.

1 hour later the 2 were eating candy apples that izuku made and sitting on the kitchen counter.

As izuku and eri happily talked they heard a loud boom. Izuku helped eri off the counter and grabbed his bunny.

They heard another boom and crashing sounds. Izuku soon realized that it was the heros. Izuku rushed with izuku into eris room. He closed and locked the door. He then rushed to rhe closet holding eri close as they heard many noises and footsteps.

Eri was keeping izuku from having a panic attack, as long as she was in his arms he paid attention to her safety.

Izuku was over eri as some pices of the wall crashed onto him.

He cried out as some of the wall slashed his arms and legs. Izuku was able to find a spot in the closet were they could avoid the falling pieces. Izuku was able to reach to eris desk.

He picked up some bandages and wrapped them on his arms and legs. He was calming down eri who was crying in his arms.

The crashes soon stopped and not much was heard. Izuku and eri stayed as silent as they could witch was not much due to them crying.

Soon they heard footsteps heading to there room. Someone broke the door open making eri cry harder.

Someone pushed the closet door open. Izuku recognized him as eraserhead or aizawa shota.

He had a face of sadness and worry as he came closer to them.

Izuku scooted away from him with eri in his arms.

"Hey hey hey...its okay. I wont hurt you" he said.

He was able to get a hold of izukus arm, izuku didnt know how to react as he pulled him and eri out of the broken room.

Izuku had a look of horror on his face as he looked around the destroyed place.

Izuku saw more heros but he didnt let any touch eri.

" scared" eri said looking up at him.

Izuku kissed her forehead and brushed her hair with his fingers.

"M-me t-too e-eri" izuku wispered shakily.

Izuku was told to fallow the heros .he hesitated but had a idea, so he fallowed them.

He stumbled a little bit because he was still getting used to his new health style. Aizawa helped izuku as the brought him and eri to UA. Before izuku was out it the car he saw overhaul and hari peeking at the corner of the building.

Izuku smiled at them as mouthed he would meet them in 5 days.

They nodded and secretly watched as the 2 prized possessions were taken away.

20 minutes later izuku sat with eri on his lap. He had a straight bland emotionless face that didnt changed.

Eri clung to his chest holding his bunny.

Izuku heard to doors open and watched as aizawa walked in.

"Is it okay if i ask you some questions?" He asked softly. Izuku took his tone as if the man pityed him.

He kept his face the same but looked at him.

He felt eri tug on his shirt so he looked down. She smirked at him as she already knew what izuku was planning.

Izuku nodded and looked up.

"Ill answer your questions since izu dosnt talk" she said with a fake scared but soft expression on her face.

"Oh okay then, first what is his and your name?" He asked pulling out a folder.

"My name is eri chisaki, his name is izuru chisaki" she said.

Aizawa nodded and wrote it down.

"How old are you guys?" He asked.

"Im 7 and izu is 16" she said pointing at izuku.

He asked different questions for 6 minutes.

"How are you related to overhaul?" He asked.

"Im his sister, izu is my step brother" she said hugging izuku. Izuku pet her head softly.

"Okay lastly whats your quirk?" He said. Izuku stiffened.

Eri and aizawa noticed.

"Its okay izu, hes a pro hero. He wont do anything bad like kai" she said hugging him.

Aizawa looked at them worried.

" my quirk is rewind.." she said.

"And izu is quirckless.." she said looking back at aizawa who looked surprised. He got up and started walking to the duo. Izuku got protective and picked up eri and quickly getting in a protective position.

"Dont...come...any...closer..." izuku wispered as his voice cracked.

"Its okay kid, im a pro hero i wont hurt you" he said.

Izuku glared at him.

"H-heros....a-are.......f-fake..."izuku said holding his neck.

"Sorry, izuku has had a bad past with heros" eri said.

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