chapter 8

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Aizawa walked down the hall. The sun was rising and it was time for Eri and izuku to wake up.
He yawned and walked up to there dorm door. He knocked on it softly,

"Problem children, it's time to get up." He said in his tired voice. He waited for a reply but got none. He unlocked the door and looked inside, the room was a complete mess and the window was shattered.

Izuru and eri where nowhere to be seen...

He dashed around the room before contacting the pro heros.

"Izuru and eri have been kidnapped! I think overhaul came back for them." Aizawa said to the group of heros in front of him.

Everyone did another look around and yes it did look like they had been kidnapped. Little did they know they were just making there own plan to help overhaul get the information he needs.


Izuku was laying his head on kai's lap as kai did eris hair.
"All might is really ugly, I don't get fangirls" eri said.

Izuku turned his head to look at her,

"Hmm now that you mentioned it, I don't get them either" izuku said sitting up and putting his hand to his chin in a thinking position.

Kai chuckled as both eri and izuku were deep in thoughts.

"Ugh, we have to go see the LOV for a meeting soon.." kai sighed.

Izuku groaned and layes his head back down.
"My legs still hurttt....." izuku said and pouted.

"Well izu, you were not supposed to walk much nor run untill a few weeks" eri said climing onto the sofa with izuku and kai.

"Yeah, so now we have to let you heal for a month at best" kai said playing with izukus hair.

"Guys, you have to get ready to go to the meeting" hari said peeking his head in the room.

"Ugghhh fine" they all said.

They all went to there rooms, izuku had hari help him walk there as they all got changed.

Overhaul wore his usual villain outfit,
Eri wore her usual white dress but hari gave her a dall to take with her.

Overhaul wore his usual villain outfit,Eri wore her usual white dress but hari gave her a dall to take with her

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Izuku wore a new white dress he was given. It was a present from hari. Since he gave eri something he just wanted to be fair.

And he says the adorable look on izukus face when he gets presents are just to die for.

And he says the adorable look on izukus face when he gets presents are just to die for

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^the dress one.


Eri was given a white and light blue like her hair small crown mask. And small blue gloves.

Izuku wore his black gloves and was given a black and white crow mask.

He adjusted the collar that he received on his first day at Kais base.

The 2 walked over to the door where kai was waiting for them.

They went into there black car and drove to the LOV base.

"Eri I want you to stay by izukus side at all times" kai said patting her head.

Eri nodded.

"Ah here!" Kai said taking out a connecting like chain.

Izuku put it on his right wrist as it made a beeping noise. It was comfortable and didn't hurt. Eri put the other side of if on her wrist and smiled.

"Now we cant get too far away from each other!" Eri said smiling through the mask.

They went out of the car as izukus face immediately went plane as eris turned dark.

Overhaul put on his straight face as they walked in.

They sat down on a clean enough place as once again the villains came in the room.

"Hello again" handjob said.

"Hello shigaraki. Why do you need me." He asked.

"We want you to join us when we attack the USJ." He said with a grin. He then made eye contact with izuku as eri hid behind him.

"Hm. What do you think?" Overhaul said looking down at izuku.

Izuku stayed silent for a moment then closed his eyes.

"What's in it for us?" He asked quietly.

" we will give you some of my villains and maybe some new quirk bloodlets." He said.

"" izuku was thinking.

"Fine, but we get to choose the villains we take." Izuku said softly.

"Hm it's a deal then!" Shigaraki replied.

"Well we will attack in 2 days, so be ready we will meet up here."  He said.

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