chapter 3

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Imma add more of the lovey dovey stuff kk

Izuku woke up and carefully put eri on her bed. He got his stuffed bunny and limped out of the room and to kais office.

He knocked on the door and heard a faint come in. He opened the door and peeked his head in.

"Oh hello izuku, did you have a good rest?" He asked putting his papers down and walking over to izuku.

Izuku nodded and opened the door all the way. He was once again picked up by overhaul, he closed the door and went back to his seat.

He sat down and put izuku on his lap. Izuku layed his head on his chest making overhaul blush. He went back to doing his work, izuku would glance at it or around the room sometimes but he mostly rested his head on kai.

After 3 hours overhaul sighed putting his pen down.

"Izuku are you asleep?" Kai whispered.

Izuku looked up at him.

"No" he replied softly.

Kei looked down at him and took off his mask. He looked at the time to see it was 12:27 am.

"Izuku, you should be sleeping" he said scratching izukus head. Izuku liked the scratches so he nuzzled into his touch.

What surprised kai was when he started purring.

"Okay izuku lets get you to bed" kai said about to get up.

Izuku clung to the chair not letting him get up.

"Izuku." Kai said sternly.

Izuku just shook his head no.

Kai playfully picked him up. Izuku couldn't help but let out a giggle. Kai smiled and placed him on the table.

He held is arms around izukus waist as he nuzzled into the crook if izukus neck resting his chin on him.

Kai took in izuku scent. It smelled like flowers and candy. Kai happily took is his scent as he got a idea.

He kissed izukus neck, izuku held on to kais arm, his cheeks had a red tint on them.

Kai smirked as he kissed his neck more. Izuku kept his eyes squeezed tight and his grip on kais arm tight.

Kai moved to izukus shoulder that was kinda shown because of the bigger size of his shirt. He bit down on his shoulder, izuku let out a whimper before he had begun purring again.

"Will you go to bed now?" He asked.

Izuku pouted but nodded. Kai smiled in victory, he licked the spot he bit on izukus shoulder and picked up the purring izuku.

He got izukus stuffy and took izuku to his bedroom. He layed him in his bed and gave him his toy that he hugged.

"Goodnight izuku" kai said sweetly as he closed the door to his room and walked to his own room and quickly took a shower before changing and going to bed with a smiled plastered on his face.


Kai woke up to someone screaming, he emideitly recognized the voice to belong to his dear izuku.

He rushed into his clothes like time stopped and he ran over to izuku. He ran into izukus room to see him being pinned to the wall by the same villain that tried to hit him yesterday.

Izuku was panicking and had tears streaming down his face.

Kai went over to him and overhauled his back getting a bloody scream from him. He picked up the shaky izuku holding him close.

He saw 3 of his followers including hari rush im the room.

"Boss?" Hari said.

"Kill. Him." Kai said darkly as he hugged izuku tightly. The small teen cried into his chest.

Hari nodded and the 3 dragged him out of the room and to his death.

"Izuku..what did he do?" Kai said calmly when he was actually extremely in rage.

Izuku whimpered before replying.

"H-he tried to..t-touch m-me.." izuku said
quietly but loud enough for him to hear.

Izuku nuzzled into kai's neck using his warmth to calm down.
Kai was in rage of that man, hes glad he will be killed.

"Izuku come on, youll sleep with me from now on. And we have to get his germs off you" he said picking izuku up and walking back to his room.

Kai gave izuku a new pair of clothes, it was the same as his last ones but he didnt mind. Izuku went and took a shower. Kai waited for him and when izuku was done, he came out of the bathroom and climbed onto the bed facing kai.

"You done?" He said looking up from his phone. Izuku nodded.

"Come here" kai said putting his phone to the side and taking off his mask. He then opened his arms and let izuku crawl onto him. He nuzzled into his neck again. He loved doing it, he felt calm when he was nuzzling into his neck.

Izuku had his legs wrapped around his torso and his arms around his neck as he rest on kais shoulder.

"Are you okay izuku?" Kai asked.

"Yeah" izuku said quietly.

Kai smiled. He was happy his angle felt safe with him. Thats what he wanted, he wanted izuku to stick with him till the end. He was going to protect izuku untill he died.

(And for people who thinks hes a pedo in this story izuku is 16 and kai is 18)

Izuku felt kaid warm breath on his neck, it tickled a bit. Izuku couldn't help but slightly smile. Kai made him happy. He felt like his Happiness was all thanks to kai. He felt protected and loved. Something he had never felt untill he met him.

Izuku was snapped out of his thoughts when kai kissed his collarbone.

"Hmm, whats...wrong?" Izuku mumbled.

"I wanna hear you purr, its calming" kai said, he then kissed down his neck. Izuku tried his best to keep himself from purring.

Kai began to bite his collarbone leaving 3 teeth marks, izuku couldn't hold it and started purring.

"There it is" kai said happily.

Kai didnt stop kissing his neck though.

"Im already purring?" Izuku said softly.

"I know" kai replied.

Izuku huffed as ge continued to purr and get kissed by kai.
As the 2 enjoyed there calm time someone knocked on the door making kai sigh and stand up.

Izuku layed down and had stopped purring, he then watched kai open the door.

"Did you need something?" Kai asked.

"Yes. Dont forget tomorrow you have a meeting with the league of villains" random fallower said.

Kai nodded and thanked them before closing the door.

He climbed back on the bed and pulled izuku by the waist over to him. Izuku cuddled into his chest and purred as he felt warmth again.

The 2 fell asleep, sadly they would have to get up early tomorrow so they can go to the meeting.

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