chapter 6

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They brought izuku and eri to one of the dorms. They got them to change, it might of taken them a hour due to izukus protectiveness and the lack of trust he has for them.

"Izuru, you will be going to classes in 1A starting tomorrow." Aizawa said.

This is what they look like-

This is what they look like-

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Izuku just nodded as he kept his back facing him

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Izuku just nodded as he kept his back facing him.

Aizawa waved to eri who had a smile on her face. When he left closing the door behind him eris smile turned to a smirk. Izuku turned around and stood up walking to eri.

"This should be easy." Izuku said softly as a smirk crept to is face.

Eri giggled and held his hand.

"The plan is we secretly find out information on them. Then escape back to kai" izuku said.

Eri nodded as they both went to bed.


Day 1

Izuku had eri on his back as he walked with aizawa to class 1A.

"Izuru, im going to take eri with me, she will be with the pros. I promise to give her back after school" aizawa said.

Izuku looked at eri then nodded. He gave eri to him and aizawa gave eri to midnight who left to the lounge.

Izuku walked into the class with aizawa ready to put up his act.

"Okay class. We have a new student" he said.

"His name is izuru chisaki" as soon as he said that the room bursted into chatter. Izuku hid behind aizawa.

"Shut up!" Aizawa yelled.

He took a breath as everyone stayed quiet.

"Izuru here was 1 of the test subjects for him. He dosnt talk and is sensitive to many things." He said.

Everyone nodded and looked at izuku woth sadness. Izuku didnt want there pity but he had to keep up his act.

Izuku looked around untill his eyes landed on non other then bakugou. He felt his stare and looked at him, his eyes widened as he stood up.

"D-deku?" He said shakily.

"You know him?" Aizawa asked.

Izuku walked over to him. He wispered something that nobody noticed but bakugou heard.

"Dont call me izuku midoriya, call me izuru chisaki. Oh and i missed you kacchan" he wispered with a smile.

Bakugou hugged izuku surprising everyone but izuku. Izuku hugged him back before they departed.

"Well, i guess izuru go sit by bakugou" aizawa said.

Izuku nodded and sat beside him.

During class izuku didnt go near anyone but bakugou. He had forgiven him a long time ago. And he could tell how sorry he was.

After class izuku grabbed bakugous hand and ran out the room dragging him with him. Bakugou just let him drag him as izuku headed back to his dorm room.

Izuku opened the door and was tackled in a hug from eri.

Izuku got up holding eri as bakugou closed the door.

They sat on the bed and started talking.

"So, why dont you want me to call you by your real name?" Bakugou asked.

"Reasons." Izuku said softly.

Bakugou nodded and looked at the time.

"Well, i have to go. Ill see you tomorrow izuku" he said walking to the door.

Izuku waved goodbye as he closed the door.

" what did you learn?" Izuku asked eri.

"I have learned about the most powerful students here. We can leave sooner than i thought" she replied.

"How about you izu?" She asked.

"I have learned there tactics and some important information" izuku replied.

Eri nodded.

"To think about it..they are huge blabber mouths and tell much in a hour. I think we can leave in 2 days. If better then tomorrow" izuku said walking to the window.

"How will we find kai?" Eri asked looking at izuku.

"According to what ive seen in his paperwork, there is a emergency base in **********. He should be there" izuku replied.

Eri smiled.

"I cant wait to see him again!" Eri said giggling.

"Me too eri, me too" izuku wispered as he held is neck.

"Dose it hurt again?"she asked.

Izuku nodded, eri got up and went through a cabinet. She pulled out some pills and gave one to izuku. He swallowed it and smiled.

They went to bed resting there minds.

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