chapter 7

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Day 2

"Okay eri, dont forget to pack some things and meet me in the dorm. During the last hour ask to go bathroom. I wilm meet u in the dorm" izuku wispered before leaving to class.

Izuku entered the room and quickly went to his seat beside bakugou.

He sat in class paying close attention to what the teacher was saying. He also payed attention to the clock.

Izuku had analyzed the rest of the class and was waiting for it to hit last hour.

as soon as it hit izuku raised his hand shyly and asked for the bathroom. Aizawa let him go and he left. He then headed straight to his dorm where he saw eri holding a laptop and 2 phone.

"Wow" izuku wispered as he started packing. He pulled a a small memorie card put of his pocket.

He put it in the bag and picked up eri. He quietly opened the window and looked out. He saw the wall and walked across it before grabbing onto a tree and sliding down slowly.

He then started running to the train station.

When he quickly got on the train leading to there destination.

After 1 hour the doors opened and izuku ran out of the train with eri still on his back. He turned many corners untill he reached a wide building.

"Eri, were here" izuku said.

He went over to the door and knocked on it. He heard footsteps untill it went silent. Then the door opened slightly.

The door then burst open as soon as the person saw who it was.

"Hi hari!" Eri said happily.

Hari smiled widely and quickly let them in.

Izuku put eri down as they both opened there bags.

Eri pulled out of course the laptop and 2 phone, she then pulled out a security pass card. Izuku pulled out the memory card, notes, and a small camera that he had been using.

Hari stared at them with a look of shock.

They then heard someone coming in the room.
The looked over and saw kai.

"Kai!" Eri yelled. He emideitly looked up and ran over to the 2.

He fell to his knees and hugged them both.

"Boss" hari said.

"What?" Kai replied.

"Look what they brought back.." he said still staring.

Kai looked at the stuff and his eyes widened.

Izuku and eri just smiled.

They had taken the stuff to look into, meanwhile kai, izuku, and eri had fallen asleep on the couch together.

Sorry this is short, im making a new overdeku story

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