chapter 4

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The video above has nothing to do with the story-

Izuku woke up as he felt arms wrapped around his waist. He looked up tiredly and remembered that kai had a meeting.

Izuku nudged kais shoulder but got no response but instead kai rolled over onto his back.

Izuku sat down on top of him and poked his nose.


Izuku had a cutr angry face, he pouted before saying

"Kai, you have a meeting" in a tired small voice.

Izuku was pulled on his back surprising him. He opened his eyes to see kai on top of him.

"Your cute when you're mad. Ya know that?" He said smiling cheekily at izuku.

"You were up the whole time!" Izuku said in a small but childish mad voice.

Kei chuckled and kissed izukus nose before getting off of him and off the bed.
"Imma go change, you have some clothes over there" kai said pointing to a shelf that had some clothes on it. Izuku took the clothes and when kai went to change in the bathroom he changed in the bedroom.

"How do you get this shirt of?" Izuku huffed trying to get the shirt on.

"You put it on like this" kai said from behind as he pulled his arms through the sleeve holes and zipped his thing up.

Izuku had a big blush on his plain cute face as he looked at kai. He was in his normal wear but instead of his black mask he had his crow mask and black gloves. He handed some white gloves to izuku.

Izuku put the gloves on and smiled.

"Hey izuku can you walk now?" Kai asked

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"Hey izuku can you walk now?" Kai asked.

Izuku walked a little but soon stumbled. Kai smiled and gladly picked  izuku up (like in the picture).

He left the bedroom as izuku rest his head on him.

Time skip to at the base of the LOV.

Izuku was able to walk beside kai without tripping for a long enough time. He was with kai as they entered the place.

It was dusty and dirty, izuku can see the irritation in kais eyes so he looked around and spotted a clean enough seat.

Kai smiled at izuku through the mask as they both went and sat down waiting for them.

They hear the door bust open and see a blond girl with a school girl outfit.
She came up to izuku making him uncomfortable.

Kai glared at her making her back off.

Handyman walked in with a guy that had many burns.

"Who is the kid?" Shigaraki asked looking at izuku.

"I don't appreciate you calling him a kid" kai said.

Shigaraki shrugged.

"Okay so i wanted to join forces" he said.

"Why?" Kai asked.

"He wants to kill allmight" izuku said in his normal quiet voice.

Of course kai heard it.

"How can you tell?" He asked.

Izuku pointed to a picture of allmight that had been burnt, ripped, and used as targeting practice for many wepons and quirks.

Kai hummed.

"What exactly do you want from us?" He asked.

"Your quirck canceling bullets." Shigaraki replied.

Izuku remembers the time when kai asked for some of his blood and explained why he needed it.

"No." Kai said.

"Oh why the quick answer?" Shigaraki asked.

"There are only 5 bullets and the blood used for them are from 2..spacial people" he said.

"And who might they be?" Shigaraki asked.

Izuku looked at kai who had sadness in his eyes, he didnt like hurting izuku so it was hard to remember even taking his blood so izuku decided to answer.

"Me. And someone not of your concern." Izuku said sternly with a rint of murder in his voice.

This surprise them cuz izuku was notnone to talk normal volume nor but anything close to scary in his voice.

"Why dose it need to be your blood?" Shigaraki asked confused.

Izuku looked at him. Then at kai. He shook his head.

"Its not your business to know why it needs my blood." He said. He then stood up with kai.

"This wont be the only time we request you guys." Shigaraki said as the 2 left.

As they exited the place izuku held his neck from the pain. He didnt talk loud anymore because it would couse him some pain for a while.

The 2 got back to the place and kai emideitly got izuku some medicine for his throat.

Izuku smiled a little. Kai gave izuku the medicine. He then took his jacket and mask off. He went to izuku and helped him take his thing off. (Dont worry he wore his white normal sweatpants under it) kai gave him his white shirt back and he quickly put it on.

Kai and izuku cuddled, they were both tired and needed sleep. Izuku was going to babysit again tomorrow as kai will be in his office doing paperwork for hours again.

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