02|| Farewell

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Mira opened the front door of her home to find her mother at the sink and Carter nowhere in sight. Her mother turned at the sound of the creaking door and gave Mira a questioning look. "Home so soon? Didn't classes start less than an hour ago?"

Mira entered the room closing the door behind her then took a seat at the table. "The academy has given me a high honor.." She began. Her mother sat down across from Mira at the small table as she dryed her hands on a towel.

"I along with two others have been selected to go on a quest." She said.

"A quest?" Her mother asked. Mira nodded in confirmation. "What kind of quest?"

"It wasn't really specified, but I'm going to be traveling all over. Through Faron Woods, Kakariko Village, The Goron's Domain, and even The Zora's Kingdom. It's like a dream come true." Mira said giving her mother a small reassuring smile.

Her mother smiled back and stood, pulling Mira into a great big hug. "This is great to hear Mira! I'm so proud of you."

"Thanks, mom." Mira said into her mom's shoulder. The embrace was warm. She'd definitely miss her mother's hugs.

"When do you leave?" Her mother asked breaking the embrace. "Tonight." Mira muttered quietly. She looked up from her feet and saw her mother's beaming smile faulter slightly. "Tonight? So soon?"

"Yes, unfortunately so. Right after sun down I have to leave." Mira said. "Couldn't it be in a few days? Surely they can give you a few more days right? Must you go Mira?" Her mother questioned rapidly. She fell back down into the chair.

Mira quickly blinked away the tears developing in her eyes and took a deep breath. She knelt down next to her mom, tucking a strand of her chestnut colored hair that had fallen into her face. Her mother was beautiful, but just now she saw the worry lines on her mothers face. The years were starting to catch up with her.

"Mom, we both knew this day would come at some point. This is my dream. Another opportunity like this quest won't come around. I need to do this." She said putting as much confidence as she could muster into her voice. Inside she was just as scared as her mother, but she needed to sound confident. Her mother needed to know that it was okay.

Her mom reached over and placed a hand on Mira's cheek. "I know..." She whispered. "Just after your father...." She trailed off. Mira nodded letting her know that she understood. She didn't want to make her mom finish that sentence.

"It's just a quest." Mira lied. She knew it was so much more than that. "It's not like it's an actual war or anything. I'll be fine, I promise."

Her mother smiled slightly. "I know, but you know me. I worry too much." Her mother laughed slightly now and wiped the tears from her face. "I'm sorry. I'm being so selfish. This is a happy day, we should be celebrating!"

Mira laughed too. She stood and helped her mother up from her chair. "I'll make pumpkin hazel soup and black berry pie for dessert! Your favorite." Her mother said with a smile.

"Anything I can do to help?" Mira asked as her mother headed back towards the sink. "Go find Carter and tell him the good news." She called back. Mira frowned slightly. She'd miss Carter so much..

"I'll be back soon!" She said as she headed for the door.

"You two better not be late for dinner! It's going to be scrumptious." Her mother yelled after her before she closed the door.

She headed down the steps and towards the stream. Carter liked to hangout there sometimes.

Sure enough, there he was sitting in the grass next to the stream. He had a sketch pad in his lap and was drawing something with a charcoal pencil. Shadow, the black cat that Carter liked to hang out with sat at the edge looking for fish.

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