03|| True Quest

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"How long is this gonna take?" Conan whined for the third time.

Link sighed. "We've only been riding for three hours. Stop complaining."

"But I'm so bored. The least the forest could do is offer some better scenery then the same old rows of green trees. It's just like back at home, except more claustrophobic." Conan said, looking around.

Mira had to some what agree with Conan. This journey was supposed to be exciting and show them all sorts of new things. So far the path ahead was dull, with the same continual line of trees on either side. They hadn't even seen any animals.

She wouldn't complain though. She was positive it would get more interesting eventually. Plus, it had only been three hours. They still had a long journey ahead.

Mira yawned, opening her mouth wide and closing her eyes. The sun set around nine, so it must be around midnight.

Link glanced over at her. "We should take turns resting. Two people can stay out, one to drive and the other to guard."

"Guard from what?" Conan asked sarcastically. "There hasn't been a single threat so far. Not even one creature."

"The person not driving can also keep the driver company. If they stay talking they're less likely to fall asleep." Mira suggested.

Link nodded in agreement. "I'm sure we've all had exhausting days. I'm willing to stay up for a few more hours and continue driving though."

"I'll stay up too. I used to pull late nights like this with Lana and Gemma all the time. It should be easy." Mira said with a small smile at the thought of her friends.

"I'm glad you guys volunteered, because I am absolutely tuckered out. You don't even want to know how many times Janet and I had goodbye sex." Conan said cockily. He held up his hand to Link for a high five.

Link gave him a small shake of his head. Conan put his hand down. "See you guys in a few hours then." He climbed into the back of the wagon to make himself some sort of bed.

"How noble of him." Mira muttered rolling her eyes.

"I'm not sure what everyone sees in him, if we're being honest." Link whispered back.

"I feel the same way. Looks don't get you everywhere in life. I do have to admit that he has pretty good sword skills though." She sighed.

Link gasped, mockingly grabbing his heart with his hand. "You, a female resident of Chalice, doesn't like the great, almighty, handsome, Conan Redmond?"

"Hey, both hands on the reins." She said, nudging him with her shoulder.

A loud snore bursted from the back of the wagon. Mira and Link looked at each other. Quickly Mira clamped a hand over her mouth to conceal her laughter.

Link chuckled out loud. She couldn't stop laughing. They both laughed for a good few minutes to the point where tears were on the verge of pouring from Mira's eyes.

Finally she composed herself, wiping the tears with her hand.

Another loud snore erupted from the back. "He sounds just like the hogs at home." Link said chuckling slightly.

Mira listened to the next one. "He does, doesn't he?" She snickered with another giggle.

"My grandpa used to snore like that too. My grandma would always complain in the mornings. He would always say, 'Good thing you love me so much.' And she would reply, 'Lucky you.' Then they would kiss and would go on with whatever the daily chatter may be." Link said thoughtfully.

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