07|| Kakariko Village

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Mira woke up in a soft bed. For just a second she actually thought she was back in Chalice, in her own bed and that it had all been a dream.

Then she sat up and actually examined the room and realized the truth. None of it had been a dream. So where was she now?

She sat on a twin sized bed, with soft cotton sheets and what looked to be a hand made quilt. Next to the wooden bed was a matching night stand, with an oil lamp on it.

A desk sat close to the doorway on the opposite wall, cluttered with books and all sorts of different papers. To her left a window was covered with curtains, keeping the room dim.

She also noticed that the floor, ceiling, and walls all seemed to be made from packed mud and sand. Then the memories from last night clicked. Were they in Kakariko?

To the sharp protest of her back, she stood and headed to the doorway, concealed with multiple rows of long hanging beads. Her first few steps were a little wobbly, but then she found the strength to make it to the doorway.

She pushed her way through the hanging beads, and entered a larger room. This seemed to be the main room of the small house.

Next to the door, a couch rested under a large window. On the wall adjacent to the couch ran a few tall bookshelves filled with books.

On the wall that the bedroom doorway was connected to, were countertops and cabinets. A round table with a few stools on it sat somewhere between the kitchen and couch area.

The woman that rescued Mira and Link was at the counter, cutting some vegetables on a cutting board.

"Glad to see you're finally awake." Sheik said, without even glancing in Mira's direction.

"How long was I asleep for?" Mira asked, making her way over to the table and sitting upon one of the stools.

"After we had just escaped Castle Town, I was explaining how we needed horses to get to Kakariko. Remember that?" Sheik asked. When Mira nodded, she continued. "Well you just kind of fainted. I had Link stay with you and ran to get two horses from Lon Lon Ranch. Then you rode with Link all the way to Kakariko. I brought you back here, to my home. You slept all through the night and all day yesterday."

"I slept through two nights and a day? Whoa." Mira commented, shaking her head.

"I think it had something to do with that injury on your back. It never got properly treated. Over the course of the few days you were captured, it must've became infected. Plus, who knows what bacteria lay in that cell you were kept in. The infection plus the sudden exertion of escaping with little nutrition caused you to black out." Sheik explained, still not adverting her attention from the vegetables she was cutting.

Mira nodded her head. That did seem to make sense. She looked down and realized that she was wearing some sort of long tunic. It was more like a dress--she had no pants on-- and was very simple. It seemed hand made like most things around here.

"Where's my clothes?" She asked, slightly panicked. That outfit wasn't just any outfit. It was the same clothes the great sorceress wore. If they were lost...Mira wouldn't know what to do.

Sheik chuckled lightly, sensing Mira's concern. "Don't worry, I only removed it so Impa could properly tend to your wound, and I could wash and mend it."

"Who's Impa?" Mira asked, watching as Sheik pulled a box from one of the cupboards and brought it to the table.

"She's a Sheikah, like me. That's the woman I was telling you and Link about before you fainted." Sheik answered, taking a seat across from Mira.

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