01|| The Strike of Dark Days

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Mira awoke to the sound of chirping birds, the smell of fresh bread, and the heat of the sun on her face. She opened her eyes slowly and took in the usual surroundings of her small bedroom.

Chalice was a small town, but also considered some what large compared to some of the other villages in the forest. Still, it only had a population of about ten thousand people. Ten thousand Hylians to be specific.

She crossed her room from her twin sized bed to the wooden wardrobe on the others side. She didn't have many clothes, but she didn't need much. Nobody in Chalice needed much. She had work clothes, a few nice clothes for festivals and other events, and her school uniform.

Mira attended Chalice's Elite Knighthood Academy. The majority of her time was spent there. Six days a week, and at least eight hours a day. It seemed like a lot, but she didn't mind at all. It was her dream to one day be part of Hyrule's Army.

Quickly she dressed in the simple uniform of the academy, brushed her long chestnut colored hair, and climbed down the ladder to the main level of their hut. Her mom was in the kitchen with something cooking on the stove.

"Mira, Mira, Mira! Look what I drew!" Carter, Mira's younger brother, yelled as he hopped off his stool and ran to her holding up a piece of paper. "Wow, that's impressive." Mira said as she took the drawing to examine it. Carter was only seven, but he proved to already be an excelent artist.

"Breakfast is ready." Their mother said. Mira ushered Carter back to the table where they both sat down. Their mother brought over a pot and dished a few spoonfuls of the porridge into each of their bowls. "Thanks mom." Mira said, grateful to get something in her system.

She quickly ate her porridge then ran to the door calling a quick goodbye to her mother and Carter. She grabbed her scabbard which was hanging from a hook next to the door and quickly put it over her shoulder. She ran out the front door then headed for town.

She was almost late to the academy and she definitely did not feel like doing the dishes after lunch today.

When she reached the school she ran up to her friends. "Hey guys." Mira said panting. "Running late again?" Lana asked with a smirk. "Oh shut up." Mira sighed punching her arm lightly. "Guys, look, it's Conan." Gemma breathed staring after him with a dreamy expression.

Conan was one of the best knights in the whole academy. He was also very handsome and definitely popular. Almost every girl in the academy was in love with him, hell maybe even the majority of the town was. All the guys either hated him and wanted to be him or were friends with him and wanted to be him.

Lana and Gemma were unfortunately part of the majority of females that were in love with Conan. Lana sighed dramatically and got the same dreamy look on her face that was portrayed on Gemma's. "Eww, guys. Please snap out of it." Mira said rolling her eyes.

She was in the minority of females. The ones that weren't desperately in love with Conan. She had to admit he was good looking and he did have decent swordsmanship, but she didn't see the big deal.

Finally, Conan was out of sight, thus letting her friends finally join reality. "Jeez. I was starting to get worried when the drool almost dribbled out of Gemma's mouth.." Mira muttered annoyed. "I wasn't drooling! Was I?! Oh I hope he didn't see me!" Gemma exclaimed in panic.

"Oh shut up. Like he would be looking at you." Lana sneered. "Hey!" Gemma yelled glaring at her. Lana just shrugged and smirked nonchalantly. Gemma quickly unsheathed her sword and pointed it at Lana. "You do not want to mess with me!"

"You really think you can beat me?" Lana scoffed unsheathing her own sword.

"Oh it's on."

"GUYS STOP!" Mira yelled just as her friends were about to charge each other. Of course neither one paid any attention to her. They ran at each other and began clashing their swords. Mira just sighed and smacked her fore head with her palm.

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