𝖆𝖈𝖙 𝖔𝖓𝖊 <3 '94

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act one!
the summer of '94 sure was one to remember...

"find me way out there
there's no road that will lead us back
when you follow the strange trails
they will take you who knows where"

♡ ⋆。 𝖛𝖊𝖓𝖚𝖘!! *:・

♡ ⋆。 𝖛𝖊𝖓𝖚𝖘!! *:・

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Venus Hawthorne had managed to escape the yearly Hawthorne family reunion a fortnight early - thank fucking merlin!

As usual, the annual summer event held in the ancient pureblood family's Florentine castle had been a complete and utter disaster. Her mother Nell and Uncle Bat had gotten into a mighty argument over the breakfast table. Venus wasn't too sure about the details of the terrible morning in question - she and Bat's bastard son Milo had disappeared on a night long rampage in the Tuscan countryside, equipped with a plastic bag full of alihosty leaves and a couple of billywig stings.

According to her cousin Viola, her stepdad Atticus had asked Grandma Dolores for the salt, to which she'd gracefully replied with "get it yourself, you filthy mudblood!", to which Nell had shouted "you filthy old hag!", to which Uncle Bat had retaliated with "just because you don't have a mother to release your rage on, doesn't mean you can abuse mine!". Just as her Aunt Corinthia and Cousin Sylas were preparing to evacuate little Finn and Viola from the the dining room as curses started flying, Milo and Venus had stumbled into the room, the former missing a shoe and a shirt and the latter still levitating two inches off the ground.

Safe to say, Milo had been carted back to Durmstrang immediately, much to the satisfaction of Aunt Corinthia who simply couldn't stand the sight of her husband's bastard son. Venus on the other hand, faced no reprimands for her actions. It turned out that Nell was so furious with her brother that she made it a point to leave the castle two weeks early.

As soon as they'd arrived back in London, Nell had been in such a good mood that she'd presented Venus with two tickets to the Quidditch World Cup. Much to little Finn's disappointment, Venus immediately called her fellow Slytherin quidditch player (and best friend) to accompany her on her next great adventure.

♡ ⋆。𝖍𝖔𝖕𝖊!!*:・

♡ ⋆。𝖍𝖔𝖕𝖊!!*:・

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Hope Lupin had had an amazing summer as of yet. After a rather torturous year of having her father as her DADA professor, and an even worse week of Remus frantically trying to find enough evidence to clear her falsely-accused, runaway pseudo-uncle's name, Hope, her parents and the Lovegoods had hopped over to France to visit their Veela cousins.

Of course, there were a fair few issues with their French getaway. For one, it was a struggle finding Remus a safe place to change into his furrier form when the full moon came; then batty Uncle Xenophilius had tried convincing Great-Aunt Apolline that swimming with Grindylows was completely safe (thank merlin Remus had been there to fish her out of the stream). Unfortunately Uncle Xeno had also forgotten all about Margo's paralysing fear of water and when he'd tried to pull her in too she'd had a minor mental breakdown, spending the rest of the holiday babbling about some locket she'd lost when she was a girl. To put the cherry on the cake, Luna had gone and told Cousin Gabrielle that her eyes were the same colour as gillyweed. Now, Hope was positive that lovely Luna had intended to compliment their cousin, but Gabrielle's tears told a whole other story.

Fortunately, the good had outweighed the bad! It turned out her cousin Fleur was irrevocably intrigued by Hope's ability to morph her features at will, and the pair had spent hours giggling in front of a mirror. In exchange for the entertainment, Fleur (who had inherited the Veela gene that ran through the family's bloodline, and was quite adept at cosmetology) had pierced her nose for her. She'd had so much fun with Fleur, Luna and even pesky little Gabrielle, that she'd actually found it quite difficult to revert back into her eternally bitchy self when they'd returned back to the Lupins' English cottage - especially upon receiving an owl from her dear friend Venus, offering up a spare ticket for the Quidditch World Cup!

♡ ⋆。𝖏𝖊𝖒!!*:・

♡ ⋆。𝖏𝖊𝖒!!*:・

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Jem Moody swore that the next time his father uttered the words "constant vigilance!" he'd take his wand and stick it- well, you get the idea.

Jem loved his father, he really did. The man had done an excellent job raising him since Venus Black's tragic murder in 1980, but by merlin, the man was batshit crazy!

Their house rule that Alastor was forbidden from wearing his magical eye in the house had been thrown out the window in July after he was convinced that someone had tried to break in through the garden door - Jem was now once again forced to live with the uneasy knowledge that his father could see exactly what was in his pockets at any time of the day.

Having now become an adult in the Wizarding World, Jem took full advantage of his new found freedom, getting his first set of moving tattoos, bleaching his hair a stark white, and working a part time job at a little stall in Diagon Alley to save up for the apartment he'd start renting upon completing his final year at Hogwarts.

Of course he hadn't been able to help indulging a little bit, purchasing a ticket to see Ireland play Bulgaria in the Quidditch World Cup. After all, he did have a bet with his godmother Margo that Ireland would win but that Krum would catch the snitch. Luckily for him, when he'd mentioned that Cassian (Slytherin quidditch captain, and Jem's closest friend) had come down with a tragic case of spattergroit, Margo had eagerly pointed out that her daughter Hope already had a pitch and a tent prepared for the event.

"if I found a way to stay with you tonight
 it would only make me late, for a date I can't escape"

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